Do I have to install each app separately?

No. When you download Structure.Bundle, all apps will be downloaded and installed at the same time.

When you first launch each app, some additional configuration may be required to customize it for your teams - please see our documentation pages for more details.

Structure.Pages requires an additional, free app for Confluence, which allows Structure and Confluence to work together. For a link to the Confluence Helper for Structure app and configuration instructions, see our Installation Guide.

Where can I find more information about each app?

To learn more about working with and customizing each app, please see the appropriate documentation page:

I already have Structure and/or some Structure extensions. Can I still buy Structure.Bundle?

Absolutely. You can upgrade to Structure.Bundle at any time.

If you have an active license for any of our Structure products, please reach out to our support team at

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 to ensure you get the appropriate refund with your upgrade.

Can I disable apps my team isn't using?

Yes. Jira administrators can disable/enable any of the include apps, except Structure, from the Manage Apps page in Jira.

Is Structure.Bundle available on Jira Cloud?

At this time, Structure Bundle is only available on Jira Data Center. For Jira Cloud, Structure and Structure.Gantt are still available as separate apps.