By default, the amount of the so-called "heap" memory available to JIRA Client is limited to 400 MB. If you need to have lots of issues in the local database, you may need to raise this limit.

Suppose you'd like to give JIRA Client 512 megabytes at most.

Option 1 [Windows]

jiraclient.exe -J-Xmx512m

Option 2 [Windows]

Edit jiraclient.bat and jiraclient_verbose.bat scripts, find the following text and replace 400 with 512:

set JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx400m

To start JIRA Client, use these scripts.

Option 2 [Linux, Mac OS X]

Same as above, edit and

Option 3 [Mac OS X]

Edit file Contents/Info.plist, and find the following text and replace 400 with 512:


Option 4 [All OS]

java -Xmx512m -jar jiraclient.jar