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This documentation relates to an older version 2.11 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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Use the sample plugins to learn by example. Download the source bundle from this page and use it with the latest API version.


  File Modified
Java Archive scheduled-sync-0.3.jar Packaged plugin for running Resync on schedule Apr 05, 2016 by Igor Sereda
Java Archive status-bar-column-1.0.jar Packaged plugin that adds Status Bar column to the widget Apr 05, 2016 by Igor Sereda
ZIP Archive Sources of Structure API examples Apr 05, 2016 by Igor Sereda
Java Archive scheduled-sync-0.5.jar Version of scheduled-sync for JIRA 7 Apr 05, 2016 by Igor Sereda

The provided code is not production-quality and not supported. It is provided as a sample of how one can use Structure API.

The sample code is in public domain – feel free to copy, modify and base your work on it.

Sample Plugins List

Sample Plugin



Very basic demo of using StructureManager.


A plugin that allows to schedule periodical synchronization Resync - uses StructureManager, StructureSyncManager and StructureJobManager.


A skeleton project for starting your own synchronizer plugin.


Adds a column to the Structure widget that shows a colored bar, depending on the statuses of the sub-issues.


Adds a workflow condition that checks if an issue matches a JQL.

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