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This documentation relates to an older version 3.4 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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Current Versions


Supported JIRA Versions

Supported Structure Versions

OSGi Import Version

Release Date

JIRA 7.0+3.4.0+"[16,17)"2016-12-07
Structure API version 16.0.0 is the first public API version for Structure 3.x. For older API versions compatible with Structure 2.x, see Previous API Versions.

Javadocs for the Latest Version Java API documentation for the latest API version.

To see how to include the API in your project dependencies, read about Accessing Structure from JIRA Plugin.

Version Compatibility

Versioning of the API artifact follows these generally accepted rules:

  • Major version is increased when the client code – your code – might not compile with the new version.
  • Minor version is increased when new methods are added to the API (so your code might break if you downgrade to a lower minor version).
  • Micro version is changed when there's no impact on the compatibility.

Getting Versions

The API jars can be downloaded from the public Maven repositories. This is the recommended way.

If you can't download API jars from Maven repository for any reason, you can download them from this page and install into your local Maven repository:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=structure-api-16.0.0.jar -DpomFile=structure-api-16.0.0.pom

  File Modified
File structure-api-16.0.0.pom Jan 31, 2017 by Roman Gagarskiy
Java Archive structure-api-16.0.0.jar Jan 31, 2017 by Roman Gagarskiy
Java Archive structure-api-16.0.0-javadoc.jar Jan 31, 2017 by Roman Gagarskiy
Java Archive structure-api-16.0.0-sources.jar Jan 31, 2017 by Roman Gagarskiy

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