6th of September, 2019

Structure.Gantt 2.0 introduces Resource Leveling and Baselines, as well as other improvements and bug fixes.

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1. Version Highlights

  • Structure.Gantt becomes a paid app
  • Resource Leveling
  • Baselines
  • Fix Version markers for Gadget
  • Other improvements and bug fixes

2. Changes in Detail

2.1. Structure.Gantt becomes a paid app

Since its introduction, we have continued to invest in Structure.Gantt — continuously adding new capabilities while also enhancing many of the early features. We feel that with the release of 2.0 we introduce a number of features, which make our Gantt offering uniquely competitive. We believe this warrants a fair price that will enable us to continue investing in its development.

You can see the new pricing on the Atlassian Marketplace.

2.2. Resource Leveling

Resource Leveling allows you to automatically resolve overallocations for a single resource or group of resources. When run, Resource Leveling identifies overallocation and applies Leveling Delays to tasks in order to resolve it.

Documentation: Resource Leveling

2.3. Baselines

Baselines create a snapshot of the schedule at a specific time, which can then be visualized alongside the current schedule, making it easy to identify differences between a proposed schedule and a project's actual progress. Baselines can be added to the Structure.Gantt gadget and included in a PDF or SVG export.

Documentation: Baselines

2.4. Fix Version Markers for Gadget

It is now possible to include Fix Version in the Structure.Gantt gadget, the same way it can be included when exporting your schedule.

Documentation: Confluence Gadget

2.5. Notable Improvements and Fixes

  • Changed: "Use Resolution Date as the Finish Date" option is now turned off by default for newly created configurations
  • Changed: For Export and Gadget, Fix Version markers are now displayed expanded (if possible)
  • Fixed: Tempo Teams and Team Roles are now properly displayed in the chart and resource list
  • Fixed: Sprint markers weren't displayed properly when there was at least one sprint starting and finishing on the same day
  • Fixed: JQL queries for Slices should be executed from the structure owner, rather than the current user
  • Fixed: Gantt Progress was calculated incorrectly for hierarchies with loop markers
  • Fixed: When a duplicate issue is assigned to both a task and a group at the same time, the assigned resource should not be removed
  • Fixed: When a Formula returns a negative estimate, the Gantt chart should not disappear

3. Supported Versions

Structure.Gantt 2.0 requires Structure 5.5 or above.

We support all editions of Jira (Jira Core, Jira Software, Jira Service Desk), versions 7.6 or later. Jira Data Center is supported too.

4. Installation and Upgrade

If you already have production data from a previous version of Structure.Gantt, please back up your database or Jira before upgrading.

Please review your Gantt configurations after upgrading to check that your settings are correct.

5. Known issues

Below are a few known issues and non-obvious cases.

  • If a Structure column is selected as the source for resource assignment formula, any changes made to this column after the resource list has been built will be ignored. 
  • User icons from external sites (like Gravatar) will be replaced with uniform user icons during PDF/SVG export.
  • Quick filter functionality isn't working properly with the Filter by Resource action, so it is recommended that users avoid saving filters produced by this action.
  • Structure.Gantt won't update estimates when Time Tracking Legacy mode is enabled.
  • Leveling Delay is applied to Fixed Duration tasks. (Workaround: switch it to Auto scheduling and back to Manual scheduling to clear Leveling Delay.)
  • Resources may disappear when Tempo Teams are used as resources and these teams' permissions are restricted for some chart owners. This only affects Tempo Timesheets versions prior to 10.3.0.

6. Enterprise Deployment Notes

Structure.Gantt 2.0 introduces the Resource Leveling feature that can be important for large installations and Data Center instances.

6.1. Resource Leveling

Resource Leveling is an on-demand process to automatically fix over-allocations. It is a CPU- and memory-consuming operation, running in the background for periods starting from a few seconds to dozens of minutes. It is sensitive to structure size, number of resources used and number of over-allocations in the particular schedule.

Taking the on-demand nature of Resource Leveling into account, it is difficult to predict how it will impact the performance of a particular installation, because it depends on how many Gantt-enabled structures are there, how large they are and how often users will need to run Resource Leveling for their charts. Being run in parallel, Resource Leveling may have a huge impact on an instance's performance, and as a safeguard we've added several configurable properties:

  • By default, Resource Leveling is limited to 5000 tasks per execution, i.e. every time a user starts a Resource Leveling, it will fail if number of tasks exceeds this value. It is not recommended to make this value very large, since it may cause a Resource leveling to run for a very long period of time (hours). It is highly recommended to not increase it without a real need, and, even then, keep it lower than 10000. Please see the structure.gantt.settings.leveling.taskLimit property on the Advanced Configurations for Structure.Gantt page for more information.
  • Another variable that is reserved for tuning Resource Leveling performance is the number of threads it can occupy at a node at any given moment of time. This one is configured using the structure.gantt.settings.leveling.threadPoolSizeFactor property (see Advanced Configurations for Structure.Gantt). By default, the factor is set to 0.5, i.e. the number of threads Resource Leveling can use for calculations cannot exceed half of the number of CPU cores available at any node.
  • It is also possible to completely disable the Resource Leveling feature. See the structure.gantt.features.resourceLeveling property on the Advanced Configurations for Structure.Gantt page for more information.

6.2. Testing on a Staging Environment

For high load installations, we advise testing and running Resource Leveling on the most popular Gantt charts and adjusting Resource Leveling using the properties described above.

The usual load and stress testing are also recommended.

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