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If Deskzilla or JIRA Client hangs, it will help developers if you can take a "thread dump" of the current state of the application.


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1. Assisted thread dump (all OS)

You can use StackTrace tool available here: . Just launch it using Java Web Start, click on "Process ID" selection, choose Deskzilla/JIRA Client process, then click the next button called "Thread dump". The window will populate with debug information -- use Select All, Copy or Save to send this information to us.


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2. Manual thread dump (Windows)

If you are running Deskzilla (JIRA Client) in verbose mode, you must have a console window with some debugging messages. Click in that window and press Ctrl+Break. Thread dump will be printed. Scroll up to the beginning of the thread dump, then right click in the top left corner and select "Edit | Mark" menu item. Use your mouse or keyboard to select all information that's been printed and press Enter to copy it to clipboard. Paste from clipboard into e-mail to our support or anywhere else.

If you don't see the beginning of the thread dump, you need to increase the screen buffer for that window. To do that, click in the upper left corner of the console window, select Properties, then increase Height in the Layout | Screen Buffer Size block. Once screen buffer is extended, you'll need to press Ctrl+Break once again.


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3. Manual thread dump (Linux / Mac OS X)

You need to run Deskzilla (JIRA Client) with a terminal -- either by launching it in verbose mode or launching manually from the command line. Use "ps" utility to learn the process id (PID) of the running application, and then use command "kill -QUIT PID". Thread dump will be printed on the console.