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When specifying password for the exported certificate, enter at least 6 charactercharacters, and also without any space or special characters. Otherwise you may not be able to proceed later.


As a result of this step, you should have file jiraclient.jks in a temporary directory.

3. Place jiraclient.jks into installation directory and


adjust shortcut for launching JIRA Client

Copy jiraclient.jks from the previous step to C:\Program Files\JIRA Client, or whereever you have JIRA Client installed.

Then, in the same install directory, create a text file named "" (if it's already there - edit it). In, place the following lines:


To run JIRA Client with the client certificate, you will need to pass three additional parameters via command-line. To avoid typing them each time, you will need to modify the shortcut or script that you use to start JIRA Client.

On Windows

Find "JIRA Client" start menu item (or other shortcut that you use to launch JIRA Client), Right-Click on it and select Properties. The Shortcut tab will appear, with the Target field containing something like "C:\Program Files\JIRA Client\bin\jiraclient.exe".

Click on the Target field and modify it so it says

Code Block
"C:\Program Files\JIRA Client\bin\jiraclient.exe" -J-Dforce.http.jre.executor=true<your password created at step 1>

Use copy&paste from this article to avoid typos. Substitute your password in place of <your password created at step 1>.


Note the quotes in this example. Don't put additional parameters inside the quotes around the .exe file path.

On Linux

Modify "" script. Find line that says JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx600m -Duse.metal=true". Modify it so it says

Code Block

JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx600m -Duse.metal=true -Dforce.http.jre.executor=true<your password created at step 1>

For Deskzilla, the file should be named


Note the quotes are around all the line. Use full path to specify the location of jiraclient.jks.

On Mac

Right-click on JIRA Client application and select Show Package Contents. Open Contents folder. Double-click on the Info.plist file. Plist editor should start. Open Java section, then Properties subsection. Use "+" button to add the following properties:






<your password created at step 1>

Use full path to specify the location of jiraclient.jks.

: you need to set


property to </path/to/

titleFor self-signed server certificates

If the server uses a self-signed certificate (or a certificate signed by an unknown CA), you will need to explicitly import server's certificate into the Java's trust keystore. (See instructions.) By default, the trust keystore is called cacerts and it resides in C:\Program Files\JIRA Client\jre\lib\security\cacerts. Using jiraclient.propertiesWith the same method you used for setting the three properties described above, it's possible to specify a different location for cacerts using the following line:

Code Block

If you have to write character "\" in file, use double-backslash "
" for each backslash you need to have in the resulting value.your/cacerts>, and, if the password is not default (changeit), set property.

This is it!

Start JIRA Client. Try to connect. If it doesn't work, double-check that

  • jiraclient.jks file exists and has at least 500 bytes;
  • cacerts contains your server's certificate (use keytool -list -keystore cacerts and look for alias my_jira_server);
  • It is correctly pointed to using command-line properties;
  • you really launch the same shortcut / script that you have edited.

If all looks correct but it doesn't work, please contact support.