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To use the new JIRA Client build with its updated Cloud authentication mechanismClient for Jira supports API token authentication for Jira Cloud instances. You may learn more about API tokens from the Atlassian documentation.
We recommend to authenticate new Jira Cloud connections with API tokens, though you may still authenticate your connections with the internal browser (if it works for you).

To create a new Jira Cloud connection, please do the following:1. Launch JIRA Client.

  1. Open the New Connection dialog at Connection | New Jira Connection....
  2. Type your Jira Cloud address in the URL field


  1. .
  2. Check the Jira Cloud


  1. check box.


  1. Once the option is selected, the Password field will be renamed with the API Token link.


  1. Enter your Atlassian


  1. ID email in the Username field.
  2. Click on the "API Token" link. This navigates your web browser 'API tokens' section of your Atlassian ID profile.


  1. You may need to log in to Atlassian ID. Please, login with your email you have typed in the Username field.
    If you are already logged in to Atlassian ID, please, ensure that you are logged in to the right account (in case you have several Atlassian ID accounts).
  2. Then you can create a new token clicking Create API token, label it for convenience and Copy it to clipboard.


  1. Return to


  1. Client


  1. for Jira and paste the copied token in the "API Token" field.
  2. Click Next and continue with new connection configuration as usual.

Since a token itself can only be copied once when it's created, if you need to recreate a connection, you would need to create a new token.
The old token will still exist in your profile but you won't be able to use it , so we for new connections.
We would recommend to Revoke it.
You can learn more about API tokens in the Atlassian documentation here: you do not use anymore.