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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

The way Structure Widget displays the structure and issues it contains is very much configurable.

Using Views

A view is a visual configuration of the Structure Widget, which defines which columns are displayed and in what configuration.


Structure comes with a number of pre-installed views, but you can also define your own views - see Managing Views.

On the Structure Board, the currently view is displayed in the top right corner:

   On picture: Current view is called "Tracking". The blue asterisk tells that the view has been adjusted by the user.

On other pages with structure the current view may be identified if you hover mouse over the Views icon:


You can change which columns are displayed by switching to another view or by manually adding, removing or rearranging columns.

When you manually change column configuration, you create your local adjustments to the currently select view. You can then save the changes (if you have permissions to change the view) or save and share your customization as a new view – see Saving and Sharing Views.