There are several types of synchronization running in JIRA Client:

  1. Quick Synchronization. In this case JIRA Client downloads details for several issues selected based on some query in one request to the server. This download includes most of the fields, comments, worklogs, links, lists of attachments.
  2. Details Synchronization. JIRA Client sends several requests to the server for a single issue. It downloads remaining fields (voters, watchers), meta data related to editing, applicable workflow actions.
  3. Small Attachments Download. JIRA Client downloads smaller attachment files - up to 100Kb by default. This size can be modified through parameter in the settings.
  4. Large Attachments Download. Download of the files larger than the specified limit.


When can each of these synchronizations happen:

Quick Synchronization:

Details Synchronization:

Small Attachments:

Large Attachments: