Structure.Testy status is a Structure attribute, which can be requested from Structure via the REST interface, URL: /rest/structure/2.0/value

Requesting Structure.Testy Status

You can request status with a POST request containing at least these headers:

Accept:application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8

Authorization headers must also be included.

Sample request body:

  "requests": [{
    "forestSpec": {"structureId": 103, "title": true},
    "rows": [182, 184, 212],
    "attributes": [ {

You have to specify row ids (rows) in the request body.

The response will look like this:

  "responses": [
      "forestSpec": {
        "structureId": 103,
        "title": true
      "rows": [
      "data": [
          "attribute": {
            "id": "com.almworks.testy.status-report",
            "params": {
              "testRun": 4
            "format": "json"
          "values": [
              "value": "FAILED",
              "self": "FAILED",
              "FAILED": 1,
              "BLOCKED": 1
              "value": "BLOCKED"
              "value": "FAILED"
          "trailMode": "INDEPENDENT,AGGREGATE",
          "trails": [
      "forestVersion": {
        "signature": -1385959428,
        "version": 1
  "itemTypes": {},
  "itemsVersion": {
    "signature": -558220658,
    "version": 1

The response contains a values array with statuses. Groups will contain aggregating info like this:

"FAILED": 1,