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In this roadmap, we'd like to share our vision for the features we're going to add to Structure.Gantt over the next few versions. We touch only the surface of each feature – if you have any questions regarding how a specific feature would work, please ask in the Google Group. (More so if you know some non-obvious thing about how it should or shouldn't work!)

It is our general approach at ALM Works to focus on the quality of the product. Sometimes it means delivering a product later or changing plans and priorities, as unexpected dependencies and challenges appear. Therefore, while we try to adhere to the announced roadmap, by no means it should be considered an obligation from ALM Works and it shouldn't be relied upon when making purchasing decisions.

If you have any questions about our roadmap policy, please write to info@almworks.com.

Upcoming Versions and Dates

Our short term plans culminate with the release of Structure.Gantt 1.0, the first GA version. Before version 1.0 release, we'll have a few intermittent releases through the EAP program.

After version 1.0 the plans become fuzzier. To group features into broad release groups, we plan for version 1.5 and version 2.0. In reality, there will be versions 1.1, 1.2 and so on, but the details of which feature comes in which version will be available later, around the time version 1.0 is released.

VersionVersion AliasTarget DatesComment


The first private preview version, available via EAP.


Intermediate version with a few features targeted for MVP.

End of August 2017

The second preview version with substantial additions over MP.
0.8 October 2017Intermediate EAP version.

End of 2017

The final version release at Atlassian Marketplace.


An umbrella version that includes features that can potentially be released in versions 1.x.

End of 2018

An umbrella version that includes features which require serious technical advancement in the Gantt product and therefore will be released in 2.x series.


Version 0.3 – MP

Version 0.7 – MVP

Version 1.0 – GA

Version 1.0 Tentative

These features may make their way into version 1.0, but we might delay them until a later 1.x version.

Version 1.5

Version 2.0