As you start working on a bug a new record is added to the timesheet. To view it, click the Edit and Publish Time button in the Time Tracker window or on the application toolbar.

The Edit and Publish Time window shows all work records which were not published. It has two tabs:

On the Timesheet tab you can add, edit or remove records:

If you do not want to publish modified records straight away you can just save changes by clicking the Save Changes button. In this case you will see your changes when you open the Edit and Publish Time window next time.

Once your timesheets are complete and corrected as required you can publish them.Publishing a record will remove it for the records lists and timesheets and save the hours spent on the bug to the Hours Worked fields of the bug.

To publish the records, select the records you wish to publish on the Timesheet tab or bugs on the Summary tab and click the Publish button. After the records are published the bugs Hours Worked and Hours Left fields are updated.

Select the Upload Changes Immediately check box if you want Deskzilla to upload published data to your Bugzilla server immediately. If the check box is not selected this information will be uploaded to server with other bugs details.