Pulls in child pages or linked pages from Confluence (when the Structure.Pages add-on is installed).

If you have the Structure.Pages add-on installed, you will see some additional extenders available specifically for Confluence pages.

Child Pages Extender

The Child Pages Extender adds child pages beneath pages already in your structure.

You can add pages manually, or using the Insert generator or Linked Pages Extender.

Linked Pages Extender

The Linked Pages Extender will pull in Confluence pages linked to issues in your structure.

Customize Your Extender

Each Pages extender can be customized to create exactly the hierarchy you need.

You can customize:

Extend Levels - Allows you to select which levels in the hierarchy the extender should be applied to:

See Generator Scope to learn more about customizing levels.

Allow changes via Structure - If this option is checked, moving pages within the structure will update their location in Confluence or their links within Jira.