Many issue fields can be edited directly from a structure. To edit a field, double-click the field (just not on top of a link) or highlight the row and click the edit button  in the toolbar.

Inline editing

If you you need to edit fields not visible in the structure, you can also open the Issue Details page within Structure.

Editable Fields

See Viewable and Editable Fields in Structure for a complete list of fields that can be added as columns and edited within a structure.

Additional fields will become editable in future versions. If you need to edit other fields, click the issue's Summary link to open the issue page.

Edit Multiple Fields

To edit more than one field, simply use the mouse to click a new editable field. Alternatively, you can use the Tab key to move between editable fields.

Once you've finished editing fields, click Save or the edit button, or press the Enter key.

Deleting Issues

To delete an issue from your structure, select the issue and click the x button in the Structure toolbar, or press the Delete key.

Deleting an issue from a structure does not delete the issue from Jira. It simply removes it from the structure.