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This documentation relates to an older version 4.5 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. Visit the current documentation home.

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Structure lets you group by most standard Jira fields, custom fields provided by Jira and other issue attributes:

  • Standard fields: Affects Version, Assignee, Component, Epic, Epic Status, Epic/Theme, Fix Version, Flagged, Issue Type, Labels, Priority, Project, Reporter, Resolution, Status, Sprint.
  • JIRA custom fields: fields that give you a list of values to choose from, such as radio button, list single choice, checkboxes, user picker, labels, select list.
  • Text attributes: built-in and custom text fields.
  • Portfolio parent link: you can group issues by their parent issue as defined in Portfolio for Jira.
  • Tempo Account: you can group issues by Account custom field defined in Tempo for Jira.
  • Issue links: you can group issues by their linked issues. You can select link type and direction, so that, for example, you can group issues under their respective blockers (issues that block them).
  • Customer Request Type: you can group issues by Customer Request Type defined in Jira Service Desk

The fields that cannot be grouped by are dates and numbers.

Groups can be nested. For example you can take a list of issues and group them by fixVersion and then by Assignee. Thus you will see the existing fixVersions on the top level, Assignees on the second and then the issues themselves on the third, grouped accordingly.

If you enable editing via Structure in the generator settings, Structure can update the fields by which the issues are grouped when you drag-and-drop issues from one group to another.

Updating a field may not always be possible. For example, Status field can be updated only if the update is allowed by the workflow and there are no required fields or dialogs to show. If the update made via drag-and-drop fails, the structure will return to the previous state (the issue will jump back).

  • No labels