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29th of December, 2018

Structure.Gantt 1.3.2 adds compatibility with Atlassian Jira 8.0

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Structure.Gantt will become a paid app beginning with release 2.0. However, we are offering 1.x users the opportunity to extend their free software license for 2 years, including free maintenance. To learn more about this offer and sign up for your free license, visit our Free License Request Page.

1. Patch Release

Starting from this version Structure.Gantt is compatible with Atlassian Jira 8.0.

2. Installation and Upgrade

Structure.Gantt 1.3.2 requires Structure 5.1 or above. Please, note that Structure 5.2 is required to run Structure.Gantt 1.3.2 on Jira 8.0.

If you already have production data from a previous version of Structure.Gantt, please consider backing up your data before upgrading.

3. Enterprise Deployment Notes

Structure.Gantt 1.3.2 does not introduce changes that could affect performance. We advise you to perform the usual testing on a staging server.

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