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You are viewing documentation for Structure Server and Data Center version 5.5 and patch releases. For other versions, see Version Index or [Structure Cloud].

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The Notes column allows you to add arbitrary text to items in a structure, without having to create custom fields in Jira.

This is often used to store additional information about an item's status, which could then be used in a report - but how you use it is completely up to you and your business needs.

The values in the Notes columns are per-structure, per-item. This means that:

  • Text entered as Notes for some issue in one structure will not be seen for that issue in another structure. You may have different notes for the same issue in different structures.
  • If an item occurs several times in a structure, they will have the same value in the Notes column.
The Notes column is great for leaving issue-level notes. For project-level notes, consider adding a Memo item to the structure.


Data stored in the Notes column is considered to be a property of the selected structure. That has the following effect on the permissions.

Who can view notes?

To be able to see the notes, the user needs to have:

  • View access to the structure that stores the notes.
  • View access to the item (issue, project, etc.)

Who can edit notes?

To be able to edit the notes, the user needs to have:

  • Edit access to the structure that stores the notes.
  • View access to the item (issue, project, etc.)

A user might have permission to edit notes, even if he or she does not have permission to edit the issue. By creating their own structure, a user can leave notes for issues they can't edit.