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You are viewing documentation for Structure Server and Data Center version 5.6 and patch releases. For other versions, see Version Index or [Structure Cloud].

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11th of April 2016

Structure 3.0.1 has critical fixes related to SQL Server database, upgrade from Structure 2, performance issues and compatibility with JIRA 7.1.4.

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1. Patch Release

If you are using Structure 2, we encourage you to read Structure 3.0 Release Notes – a lot has changed in Structure 3!

This is a first patch release based on Structure 3.0. We have addressed some critical problems that have surfaced after the initial Structure 3. Upgrade is highly recommended.

1.1. SQL Server Issues

There were a number of problems that appeared on some JIRA instances that were running on SQL Server database. Most prominently, there was a chance that the add-on would not work with a "Invalid object name" message.

Additionally, there were potential problems and database connection leaks when restoring Structure data from backup. All these are fixed in Structure 3.0.1.

If you have been using Structure 3.0 and have migrated your data from Structure 2, please check your Database Monitoring page when there's no activity in JIRA. If you see a constant number of active connections in the pool when there's no work load, consider restarting JIRA.

1.2. JIRA 7.1.4 Compatibility

Some backwards-incompatible changes were introduced in Atlassian JIRA 7.1.4, resulting in the layout switch not working.

Structure 3.0.1 is fully compatible with JIRA 6.3 – 7.1.4.

1.3. Improved Migration

Unfortunately, we didn't attract enough attention to the fact that when you upgrade to Structure 3 from Structure 2, you need to re-import all of your Structure data. This introduced some confusion, as the structures appeared to be lost.

To improve the migration process, we now offer JIRA administrator to upgrade Structure data immediately, using a top-of-the-screen banner.

Additionally, the backup and restore processes now happen in the background, so the browsers won't time out when the procedure takes longer than usual.

Important! If you already have migrated your Structure 2.x data, just close the banner that suggests you to do the migration (again). If you restore Structure 2.x data once more, you will roll back your Structure data to the state before the upgrade.

1.4. Miscellaneous Fixes and Improvements

  • Removed status icons on JIRA 7+
  • Performance optimizations
  • Smaller fixes and improvements

2. Installation

If your JIRA server does not have Structure yet, the installation is simple:

  1. Download and install Structure add-on, either from Atlassian Marketplace or from Download page. Pick the correct version based on your JIRA version!
  2. When Add-on Manager reports about successful installation, click Get Started to visit a page with important guidance for the JIRA administrator. You may want to also check out the user's Get Started page, available under "Structure" top-level menu.
  3. Monitor catalina.out or jira-application.log for log messages from Structure.

3. Upgrade

Upgrade procedure from version 3.0.0 is simple:

  1. Create backup of JIRA data. Use Administration | System | Backup System. Starting from version 3.0.0 Structure data can be backed up together with JIRA data.
  2. Install the new version of the plugin.

  3. Monitor catalina.out or jira-application.log for warnings or errors.


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