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You are viewing documentation for Structure Server and Data Center version 5.4 and patch releases. For other versions, see Version Index or [Structure Cloud].

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In Structure, a view defines which columns are displayed and in what configuration.

On the Structure Board, the current view is displayed in the top right corner. Click here to select a new view or save changes to the current view.

When viewing a structure from other locations in Jira, due to space limitations the view's name may not be displayed. To identify the current view, simply hover over the Views icon (the 3 vertical lines).

Changing the View

To change which columns are displayed or the order in which they appear, you can select a new view or manually add, remove or rearrange columns.

When you manually change the column configuration, you create local adjustments to the currently-selected view. You can then save the changes (if you have permissions to change the view) or save and share your customization as a new view – see Saving and Sharing Views.