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This documentation relates to an older version 3.3 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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7 July 2014

Structure 2.8 adds support for JIRA 6.3 and introduces a Structure-based workflow validator, among other improvements and fixes.

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1. Version Highlights

  • Support for JIRA 6.3
  • Workflow integration
  • "Open Structure Board" Link
  • Synchronization permission
  • Other improvements and fixes

2. Changes in Detail

2.1. Support for JIRA 6.3

With this version we add support for the upcoming JIRA 6.3. We've fixed quite a few compatibility problems while testing Structure 2.8 against the latest JIRA 6.3 milestone, so if you're planning to upgrade your JIRA instance, please upgrade Structure as well.

We also drop support for JIRA 6.0. The last version to officially support JIRA 6.0 is Structure 2.7. Although there are no known issues that prevent Structure 2.8 from working on JIRA 6.0, we haven't tested this configuration.

2.2. Workflow Integration

Structure 2.8 introduces a Structure-based workflow validator, which can block a workflow transition if the issue being transitioned doesn't match an S-JQL query. For example, it can prevent an issue from being resolved if it has unresolved sub-issues in a structure.

Documentation: Workflow Integration

To quickly navigate to the Structure Board from any other page with a Structure widget, you can now use the "Open" link in the bottom right corner of the widget. It opens the currently viewed structure.

Documentation: JIRA Pages with Structure

2.4. Synchronization Permission

Structure administrators can now specify which user groups or project roles are allowed to configure synchronizers. This new permission is required to:

  • install, uninstall, enable, or disable a synchronizer;
  • perform manual resync;
  • import or export a structure.

By default, as in earlier versions, any user having Control access to a structure can use synchronization on that structure.

Documentation: Changing Permission to Manage Synchronizers

2.5. Other Improvements and Fixes

This release also contains a number of smaller improvements and fixes, related primarily to the Links synchronizer, the Structure gadget, and S-JQL search.

For more information please refer to the full list of issues resolved in Structure version 2.8 in our public JIRA.

3. Supported JIRA Versions

Structure 2.8 supports JIRA versions 6.1—6.3.

4. Changes for Developers

We've made some backwards-compatible additions to the Java API in order to implement the workflow validator and the synchronization permission, so the minor API version has been updated. For details, see API Changes in Structure 2.8.

5. Installation

The plugin may be installed from the Atlassian Marketplace or from the Administration | Add-ons menu. Further information is available in the Administrator's Guide.

6. Upgrading from a Previous Version

Upgrade procedure is simple:

  1. Create backup of Structure data. Use Administration | Structure | Structure Backup. See Backing Up Structure for details.
  2. Install the new version of the plugin.

  3. Monitor catalina.out or jira-application.log for warnings or errors.
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