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This documentation relates to an older version 3.3 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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16 October 2015

Structure 2.11 adds support for JIRA 7 and has a few bug fixes.

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1. Version Highlight

  • Compatibility with JIRA 7

2. Changes in Detail

2.1. Compatibility with JIRA 7

With version 7.0, Atlassian introduced a number of changes to the JIRA platform and split JIRA into three products – JIRA Software, JIRA Core and JIRA Service Desk. Starting with version 2.11, Structure supports the new JIRA version and all three products.

Due to platform incompatibilities, Structure now comes in two versions – one for JIRA 6 and one for JIRA 7.

2.2. Other Improvements and Fixes

There are some bug fixes and improvements in Structure 2.11, including:

Our public JIRA contains the full list of issues resolved in Structure 2.11.

3. Supported JIRA Versions

Structure 2.11 supports JIRA versions 6.3—7.0+.

There are two different versions of Structure – please install the one that is compatible with your JIRA:

JIRA VersionStructure Version
6.3 – 6.4.x2.11.0.jira6

4. Changes for Developers

We've made a minor backwards-compatible change to the Java API. For details, please see API Changes in Structure 2.11.

5. Installation

The plugin may be installed from the Atlassian Marketplace or from the Administration | Add-ons menu. Further information is available in the Administrator's Guide.

Make sure to download the version that is compatible with your JIRA!

6. Upgrading from a Previous Version

Upgrade procedure is simple:

  1. Create backup of Structure data. Use Administration | Structure | Structure Backup. See Backing Up Structure for details.
  2. Install the new version of the plugin.

  3. Monitor catalina.out or jira-application.log for warnings or errors.

6.1. Downgrading to Structure 2.8 or Earlier Versions

Please note that View Settings (associated and default views, global and per structure) are migrated to a new format when you upgrade to Structure 2.9. If you downgrade to Structure 2.8, you will lose changes made to the view settings while working in Structure 2.9 or later.

Also, the Filter and Agile synchronizers might break when downgrading, please double-check. Use Backup and Restore or re-create the synchronizers.

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