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This documentation relates to an older version 3.3 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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With the Archive action you can make a structure read-only and hide it from search results and menus (including structure selector on the Issue Page).

Read-only means that users cannot add, remove or move issues in the archived structure.

The issues that the structure contains are not affected in any way. They remain in JIRA and can still be a part of another structure.

To archive a structure:

  1. Open Manage Structures page using top navigation Structure menu.
  2. Find the structure you'd like to archive and click Archive link in the Operations column.

    You need Control access level to be able to archive a structure.

  3. Review the structure you are about to archive and confirm the operation. You can Unarchive the structure in future.

If there are any synchronizers installed for the structure you archive, they will be disabled.

Unarchiving Structure

You can Unarchive the archived structure to make it editable and visible in all menus.

To unarchive a structure:

  1. Open Manage Structures page using the top navigation Structure menu.
  2. Select Archived tab on the left side or search for structures on the Search tab with an option Show Archived checked.
  3. Find the structure you'd like to unarchive and click Unarchive link in the Operations column.

    You need Control access level to be able to unarchive a structure.

If there are any synchronizers installed for the structure you unarchive, you probably need to review the synchronizers configuration and maybe resync and enable them.

Searching for Archived structures

You can find an archived structure on some tabs of Manage Structures page:

  • On the Archived tab.
  • On the Favorite tab if your favorites list contains any of archived structures.
  • On the Search tab when searching for structures by structure parameters with the option Show Archived checked.
  • On the Search tab when searching for structures by the structure ID.


If there are any synchronizers installed for the structure you archive, they will be disabled. After unarchiving you will probably need to review the synchronizers configuration and maybe resync and enable them.

Until the structure is unarchived you cannot resync and enable synchronizers.

Nevertheless, you can Export an archived structure if you have a special permission to control synchronizers.


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