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  • Widget Extension Module

This documentation relates to an older version 2.6 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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Widget extension module lets you add Javascript and CSS resources to the Structure widget. Your extensions will be loaded on all pages where the widget is shown. You can use the Structure JavaScript API and the Atlassian APIs in you JavaScript extensions.

Widget extension example

<web-resource key="wr-sbcolumn" name="web-resource:Status Bar Column">
  <resource type="download" name="sbcolumn.js" location="js/sbcolumn/sbcolumn.js"/>

<structure-widget-extension key="we-sbcolumn" name="widget-extension:Status Bar Column">




The module descriptor.


The unique identifier of the plugin module. Required.


The human-readable name of the plugin module.


The complete key of the web resource plugin module containing the Javascript and/or CSS for the extension. You can have multiple web-resource elements in the extension declaration, thus grouping several web resources in a single widget extension.

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