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11th of May 2018

Structure 4.6.3 fixes a problem in Performance Audit Log diagnostics system and has several performance improvements.

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1. Patch Release

This is a patch release based on Structure 4.6.1. (There was no 4.6.2 release.)

We have fixed a problem that caused collection of Performance Audit Log to fail when Jira had a saved filter with an empty JQL, a JQL with only an "order by" clause, or an invalid JQL. This problem could prevent collection of valuable diagnostic data for Tempo support team.

We also added five various performance improvements that are important for large instances (Server and Data Center), especially when there are frequent issue changes (for example, one issue per second).

Upgrade is recommended if you have encountered the problem with Performance Audit Log or if you have a large Jira instance.

You need a Structure license with active maintenance (expiring not earlier than May 11th, 2018) to upgrade.

2. Installation

If your Jira server does not have Structure yet, the installation is simple:

  1. Download and install Structure add-on, either from Atlassian Marketplace or from the Download page.
  2. When the Add-on Manager reports about successful installation, click Get Started to visit a page with important guidance for the Jira administrator. You may also want to check out the user's Get Started page, available under "Structure" top-level menu.
  3. Monitor catalina.out or jira-application.log for log messages from Structure.

3. Upgrade

If you're upgrading from version 2.11.2 or earlier, please read Structure 3.0.0 Release Notes.

Upgrade procedure from versions 3.x and 4.x is simple:

  1. Consider backing up Jira data. Use Administration | System | Backup System. Starting from version 3.0.0 Structure data can be backed up together with Jira data. (If you have a large instance and have proper backup strategy in place, you may skip this step.)
  2. Install the new version of the plugin.

  3. Monitor catalina.out or jira-application.log for warnings or errors.

4. Enterprise Deployment Notes

There is a number of small changes in Structure 4.6.3 that are not visible to the user (except for improved performance).

The following a is a list of affected components with suggestions of how they could be tested on a staging server.

  1. Attribute loading subsystem: it is used when values are loaded into the Structure grid. We removed additional checks for concurrent changes that happened during the loading of attributes. This will speed up the attribute loading, and on a busy system it will drastically increase the responsiveness of the application. To test the subsystem, open different structures and make changes to the issues. Check how totals and formulas are being recalculated. Try to load-test the staging instance by having a constant flow of issues changes while a structure with an inserter and a generator are being used.
  2. Sub-task extender, Agile Rank sorter, Agile synchronizer, Sub-task synchronizer: the performance of these components was improved by changing the way issues are checked for being sub-tasks. The performance improvement will have bigger effect on systems with hundreds of issue types.
  3. Automation subsystem: eliminated some inefficiencies during generator execution. To test, check the most frequently used automated structures. Try changing values in Jira and see the generated structure update. If you are using issue security, verify a limited user's access to issues. Check how transformations and quick transformations work.

Additionally, we improved the user interface of Performance Audit Log.