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This documentation relates to an older version 1.4 of the Structure.Gantt. Visit the [current documentation home].

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Task indicators are icons that can be displayed next to tasks or milestones to indicate how a task is scheduled or that the task is complete.

You may see the following indicators on your Gantt Chart:

Indicates the task is complete

Indicates the task's schedule is based on a sprint

Task indicators are visible by default. To hide them from your chart, open the Gantt Chart Display Options menu and uncheck Task Indicators.

Indicators in the Task Details Panel

The Task Details panel also uses icons to help you identify how a task is scheduled.

Next to the Start/Finish dates, you may see the following:

Indicates the task is manually scheduled based on its Start Date

Indicates the task is manually scheduled based on its Finish Date

Indicates the task is manually scheduled based on its sprint

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