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This documentation relates to an older version 2.9 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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Secondary Issue Panels are the auxiliary grids, which can open next to the structure main grid. Even though they serve slightly different purposes, they work very similarly. They display a set of issues, which you can add to the structure grid using the drag-and-drop or cut & paste.

Structure has the following secondary panels:

  • Current IssueThe Current Issue secondary pane is shown in the structure widget on the Issue Page, if the displayed issue is not present in the currently selected structure.
  • Issue ClipboardIssue Clipboard secondary panel allows moving issues within the structure and between different structures.
  • JIRA Search ResultsJIRA Search Results panel is displayed when the Search is on, there are issues in the search result that are not in the structure, and More Issue button is turned on.
  • Removed IssuesRemoved Issues panel contains the issues that you have just removed from the current structure - just in case you need them back.

Configuring Secondary Panel View

You can configure the columns displayed on the secondary panel in the same way it's done on the primary structure panel - see Customizing Columns. The secondary panel configuration is the same for all secondary panels and is stored like the main panel's configuration.

Resizing Secondary Panel

You can divide the horizontal space between a secondary panel and the main panel by dragging the separating border.

Secondary Panels Are Read-Only

Although they seem to work in the same way the structure panel works, you cannot edit or create issues on the secondary panel, nor can you move issues around there.