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This documentation relates to an older version 3.0 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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You can view only a part of a structure that is related to a specific item, by pinning that item with a Pin icon on the structure panel toolbar. Structure Panel on the Issue Page automatically pins the issue being displayed, so you only see the relevant part of the structure.

In an item is present in several places in the structure, both instances of this item are shown.

What is Displayed in Pinned Item mode

When the structure widget is in Pinned Issue mode, only the following items are displayed:

  • The pinned item itself
  • All parent items of the pinned item, up to the top-level item
  • All sub-items of the pinned item, down to the deepest level

The items that are "siblings" or located somewhere else in the hierarchy are not displayed.

The items that are not displayed when an item is pinned are not just filtered out, they are not loaded from the server, which provides quicker page load time.

Turning Pinned Mode On and Off

You can turn Pinned Mode on or off by clicking the Pin button on the toolbar or by using Ctrl+. keyboard shortcut.

On the Issue Page and JIRA Agile (GreenHopper) Rapid Board page, you can only pin the issue currently viewed - you cannot pin any other issue from the structure. On the Structure Board, you can pin any issue.

Limitations Imposed by the Pinned Item Mode

When you have Structure with a pinned issue, you can't change the hierarchy from the pinned issue upwards. That is, you can add/move/delete sub-issues of the pinned item, but you can't add items to the pinned item's parents or move pinned item somewhere else.

Even though you can't move parent items when the view is in pinned mode, you still can select them, edit or apply JIRA operations.

When Pinned Issue Is Missing from Structure

If it happens that the pinned item is missing from structure, the structure widget will not be able to display any data and will offer to remove Pin:

If you are seeing this on the Issue Page, one you remove the pin you'll be able to add the issue you are viewing to the structure you have opened in the widget (Place issue).