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3 March 2016

Structure 3.0 is going to be a massive update and the most important of all Structure updates. This is the second beta version of Structure 3.0.

Subscribe and Download Structure 3.0.0.beta2 (you will also receive a link to Structure.Testy 2.0.0.beta2 and Structure.Pages 1.0.0.beta2)
Structure 3.0 Demo Server 


1. Structure 3 – a Different Experience

Structure 3.0 is very different from previous versions of Structure. While the main concept – "structure" as a hierarchical list of things – remains, many things changed and a lot of features were added. We have put a lot of thought into expanding the scope of the product and rebuilt Structure almost from the ground up.

After upgrading and finding your way around new user interface, you should be able to work with Structure 3.0 in the same way you worked with Structure 2.x. However, to take advantage of the new features such as Automation, some learning will be required. The Structure 3 Quick Start Guide is a great way to get started with the new features.

2. Structure 3 Highlights

  • Structure.Pages – a new Structure extension (available with Beta 2)

  • JIRA Data Center compatible

  • Multi-parent (same issue can be at multiple locations in any structure)

  • Folders (special non-JIRA folders for containing issues in structures)

  • Issue sorting and grouping

  • Structures within structures

  • Automation (Automatic structure generation, an alternative to synchronizers)

  • Revamped user interface

Take a look at the Structure 3 Quick Start Guide for more information about the new features.

3. What's New in Beta 2

Structure 3.0.0.beta2 includes several fixes and improvements. It also comes with beta2 versions of our Structure extensions.

3.1. Structure.Pages

With this version, we're publishing our new plugin, Structure.Pages. It is a Structure extension that lets you bring together content from Confluence and JIRA. We're very excited about this new product and invite you to try it.

Structure.Pages Quick Start Guide will help you install the plugin and understand how to use it.

3.2. Structure.Testy Update

We're also releasing Structure.Testy 2.0.0.beta2, which has compatibility fixes for JIRA 7.1.

4. Supported Versions

Structure 3.0 and all extensions support JIRA versions from 6.3 to 7.1. Note that for Structure there are separate downloadable files for JIRA 6 and JIRA 7. All editions of JIRA (JIRA Core, JIRA Software, JIRA Service Desk) are supported.

Structure.Pages supports Confluence versions from 5.7 to 5.9.

If you're using Structure.Testy, you need to install Structure.Testy 2.0.0.beta2 with Structure 3.0.0.beta2. Earlier versions of Testy are not supported.

5. Compatibility Issues

5.1. Other JIRA Plugins

If you’re using a plugin that integrates with Structure 2.x, most likely it will not work with Structure 3.0. Here’s the suggested course of action:

  • Structure.Testy – we are releasing Structure.Testy 2.0.0.beta2 that is compatible with Structure 3.0. If you’re using Testy, please upgrade Testy to the new version as well.
  • scheduled-sync, status-bar-column or other complimentary plugins by ALM Works, published as a part of Structure 2.x documentation – these plugins will not work with Structure 3.0. We will release updated versions later, along with the Structure 3.0 final release. If you need one of those plugins urgently to try out the Beta, please contact us.
  • Custom plugins that integrate with Structure, whether developed by ALM Works or an independent vendor – these plugins will most likely not work with Structure 3.0 and will require additional work to be made compatible. For plugins made by ALM Works, please contact us with an upgrade request. If you have your own integrations or a plugin made by an independent contractor, you’ll need information about the new APIs. Feel free to contact for this.
  • Gantt-Chart for JIRA – if you’re using this plugin from Frank Polscheit and use its integration with Structure, you might want to hold off the upgrade until a compatible version is available.


REST APIs also have changed in Structure 3.0. If you have any reporting scripts that connect to Structure via REST, they most likely will stop working. At this moment, the new API is not published — please contact us at and we’ll be happy to help you upgrade your scripts.

5.3.  Remote Gadget Not Available

If you're using Structure dashboard gadget in Confluence, it is currently known to have issues. We'll be reviewing this functionality and possibly providing alternatives after Structure 3.0 release. 

6. Changes in API

In Structure 3.0 we have made massive changes in the architecture of the product to accommodate the new features and lay groundwork for future expansion of the platform. Unfortunately, that means a lot of incompatible changes in the API. Most integrations with Structure 2.x will not work with Structure 3.0.

The new Java and REST API will be published later, closer to Structure 3.1 release. The reason for that is that we’ll need to spend additional time after Structure 3.0 release to stabilize and clean the new APIs and provide sufficient documentation.

Until the new stable API is released, we can provide information about the new API on individual basis. Please feel free to contact us at if you’d like to integrate with Structure 3.0.

7. Documentation

At this time, the documentation for Structure 3.0 is in the works. We’ll release full documentation along with the final release of Structure 3. Please refer to the Structure 3 Quick Start Guide for a short introduction to Structure 3.

8. Installation and Upgrade

This version is not published on the Atlassian Marketplace, you'll need to manually download and install it. Also, the data from Structure 2.x is not automatically transferred, so you'll need to manually upgrade it.

Download links for beta versions of Structure, Structure.Testy and Structure.Pages are distributed by email. Subscribe at Structure 3.0 Home Page and you'll receive the links in a couple of minutes. If you have already subscribed, but didn't get the email with the links to beta2 versions of the products, please contact

8.1. Installing Structure for the first time

If your JIRA server does not have Structure yet, you can install Structure using these steps:

  1. Download Structure 3.0 Beta. Pick the correct version based on your JIRA version!
  2. Open Administration | Add-ons | Manage Add-ons and use Upload add-on link to install the downloaded plugin into your JIRA.
  3. If you'd like to install Structure.Testy, download and install it in the same manner.
  4. If you'd like to install Structure.Pages, download and install it in JIRA, and also you need to install a special system plugin in Confluence. Please refer to Structure.Pages Quick Start Guide.
  5. Monitor catalina.out or jira-application.log for log messages from Structure.

8.2. Upgrading from Structure 2.9–2.11

If you have Structure version older than 2.9, please upgrade to the latest Structure 2.x version first.

  1. Create backup of current Structure data. You can either use Administration | Structure | Structure Backup menu or do a cold backup by copying the whole structure/ sub-directory under JIRA home while Structure plugin is disabled. See Backing Up Structure for details.
  2. Download Structure 3.0 Beta. Pick the correct version based on your JIRA version!
  3. Open Administration | Add-ons | Manage Add-ons and use Upload add-on link to install the downloaded plugin into your JIRA.
  4. To transfer the data, open Administration | Structure | Export Structure 2.x Data page. It allows you to create a backup zip with all Structure 2.x data, and then opens Restore Structure page, allowing you to immediately import the backup into Structure 3.x database.
    1. Alternatively, you can use Administration | Structure | Restore Structure menu and use any Structure 2.x backup made earlier.
  5. If you have Structure.Testy installed, download and install the latest beta version of Structure.Testy.

  6. If you'd like to install Structure.Pages, download and install it in JIRA, and also you need to install a special system plugin in Confluence. Please refer to Structure.Pages Quick Start Guide.
  7. Monitor catalina.out or jira-application.log for log messages from Structure.

Unlike previous versions, Structure 3.0 uses the main JIRA database to store its data. After upgrade, your Structure 3.0 database will be empty. Don't panic – all data is intact, but it must be transferred from Structure 2.x database. See the instructions above.

8.3. Upgrading from previous versions of Structure 3.0

If you have installed Structure 3.0.0.beta1 or a preview version of Structure 3.0, you need to uninstall it first.

  1. Download Structure 3.0 Beta. Pick the correct version based on your JIRA version!
  2. Open Administration | Add-ons | Manage Add-ons and uninstall your current Structure version. All data will be safe.
  3. Use Upload add-on link to install the downloaded plugin into your JIRA.
  4. If you'd like to install Structure.Testy, download and install it. Structure.Testy 2.0.0.beta2 is the earliest version compatible with Structure 3.0.0.beta2.
  5. If you'd like to install Structure.Pages, download and install it in JIRA, and also you need to install a special system plugin in Confluence. Please refer to Structure.Pages Quick Start Guide.
  6. Monitor catalina.out or jira-application.log for log messages from Structure.

8.4. Downgrading

If you decide to downgrade to Structure 2.11, you can do so, but any changes made in Structure 3.0 will not be transferred to the previous version.

9. Feedback Is Welcome!

Please let us know what you think about the new Structure! We value your feedback very much and we still have time to make some final changes before official Structure 3.0 release.

Please write to or almworks twitter if you have any comments, questions, suggestions or feelings to share!

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