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This documentation relates to an older version 3.3 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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1. Minor Java API Release

This release just adds a new event type to the Java API. The changes are backwards-compatible.

JIRA Version

New API Version

Structure Plugin Version

6.3 – 6.4.x



See Structure API Versions for full version information and downloads.

2. Compatible Changes in the Java API

2.1. Added UserCompat class

In order to have a single source code for JIRA 6 and JIRA 7 we had to add UserCompat class that implements both User and ApplicationUser.

API clients do not have to do anything about this, however, you may find it useful if you also need to compile your plugin against otherwise incompatible JIRA 7 and JIRA 6 API.

Note, however, that while it allows to have a single version of source code for conflicting API versions, it requires separate compilation with JIRA 7 and JIRA 6 API, resulting in two versions of a plugin.

2.2. Removed com.atlassian.usercompatibility dependency

The implicit dependency on com.atlassian.usercompatibility:usercompatibility-jira has been removed. This should not affect other plugins.

2.3. Additional utilities

More functions have been added to JiraFunc and StructureUtil classes.

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