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This documentation relates to an older version 3.3 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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30th of April, 2016

Structure 3.1 adds support for the upcoming Structure.Pages extension and contains a few fixes and improvements.

Important for Structure 2.x users! If you currently use Structure 2.11.2 or an earlier version, it is very important that you read Structure 3.0 Release Notes before upgrading.

Download Structure 3.0 and Extensions
Structure 3.0 Demo Server 
Structure 3 Quick Start Guide


1. Incremental Update

Structure 3.1 is an incremental update in the Structure 3 series. It contains a number of fixes and improvements, and also adds support for the upcoming Structure.Pages release. There are no new features in this version.

Upgrade is recommended; it is required if you plan to install Structure.Pages or if you experience any issues with the current version of Structure.

1.1. Structure.Pages Release

Structure.Pages is our newest extension for Structure, which adds integration with Confluence and support for Confluence pages as another type of items in the structures. Check out Structure.Pages 1.0 Release Notes for more details.

As this is the first public release of Structure.Pages, it will be some time until Structure.Pages appears at the Atlassian Marketplace. Until then, you can download Structure.Pages from the Download page.

1.2. Notable Fixes and Improvements

The following issues have been addressed in Structure 3.1:

  • Added support for sorting by Script Runner's numeric custom fields.
  • Improved Structure database lock-out during restore from backup.
  • Fixed: Cannot upload changes after new issue creation fails.
  • Fixed: Field column does not use proper number formatting for totals.
  • Fixed: Excessive warnings from synchronization engine during restore from backup.
  • Fixed: Changing direction in sorting by resolution doesn't work.
  • Fixed: Error 500: "failed to upload structure changes" appears on creating issue under unavailable item

2. Supported Versions

Structure 3.1 and all extensions support JIRA versions from 6.3 to 7.1. Note that for Structure there are separate downloadable files for JIRA 6 and JIRA 7. All editions of JIRA (JIRA Core, JIRA Software, JIRA Service Desk) are supported.

Structure 3.1 is the last minor version of Structure 3 to support JIRA 6.3. Structure 3.2 will most likely support JIRA versions starting from 6.4.

2.1. Structure.Testy Upgrade Required

Please note that if you're using Structure.Testy, you will have to upgrade it to version 2.0.1.

3. Installation and Upgrade

3.1. Installing Structure

If your JIRA server does not have Structure yet, the installation is simple:

  1. Download and install Structure add-on, either from Atlassian Marketplace or from Download page. Pick the correct version based on your JIRA version!
  2. When Add-on Manager reports about successful installation, click Get Started to visit a page with important guidance for the JIRA administrator. You may want to also check out the user's Get Started page, available under "Structure" top-level menu.
  3. Monitor catalina.out or jira-application.log for log messages from Structure.

3.2. Upgrading Structure

Upgrade procedure from versions 3.0.x is simple:

  1. Consider backing up JIRA data. Use Administration | System | Backup System. Starting from version 3.0.0 Structure data can be backed up together with JIRA data. (If you have a large instance and have proper backup strategy in place, you may skip this step.)
  2. Install the new version of the plugin.

  3. Upgrade Structure.Testy add-on if you're using it.
  4. Monitor catalina.out or jira-application.log for warnings or errors.
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