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This documentation relates to an older version 3.5 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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29 May 2015

Structure 2.10.4 fixes an issue with JIRA Agile synchronizer, Create Issue dialog and a JIRA 6.4.4+ compatibility problem.

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1. Patch Release

1.1. JIRA Agile Synchronizer Fixes

This patch fixes a particularly tricky problem which could affect JIRA Agile synchronizer behavior on a busy JIRA instance. The symptom is the following: the user moves a Story in a structure, but after some time the story "jumps back" to its original position. Story's Rank in JIRA Agile remains unchanged.

The problem affects Structure 2.10.3 and earlier versions, and may manifest only if JIRA Agile synchronization is installed on the structure, with Rank synchronization enabled. The likelihood of the problem appearing increases with the overall frequency of issue updates and the total number of synchronizers (installed on any structure).

In Structure 2.10.4, we address this issue. While this problem cannot be fully rooted out for technical reasons, its probability is reduced to a negligible level.

Related issues: HJ-2229, HJ-2240

1.2. Other Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

2. Supported JIRA Versions

Structure 2.10.4 supports JIRA versions 6.1 – 6.4.x.

3. Installation and Upgrade

Upgrade is recommended for all customers who use Structure.

Installation and upgrade are simple and done in the same way as for most other plugins. Please see Structure 2.10 Release Notes for details.