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This documentation relates to an older version 4.2 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. Visit the current documentation home.

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Automatic Structure Maintenance

Automatic Structure maintenance runs daily and performs Structure backup and database optimization. The optimization removes stale data from the database and may improve general JIRA responsiveness.

To configure automatic Structure maintenance:

  1. Navigate to Administration | Structure | Maintenance
  2. Click Configure Scheduled Maintenance
  3. If scheduled maintenance is disabled, click Enable scheduled maintenance
  4. Select time at which maintenance should run every day.

    The time is specified in the server's time zone, displayed near the time fields.

  5. Select tasks that scheduled maintenance should run.
  6. Configure additional task parameters, if any.
  7. Click Apply

By default, scheduled maintenance is enabled and set to run daily at 3 AM.

Automatic maintenance can be run only when Structure license is valid.

Maintenance Tasks

Backup Structure data

Creates a backup of the Structure database in the export sub-directory under JIRA home.


  • Include history – if checked, full structure change history will be included in the backup. If you have a lot of changes in structures this setting may cause the backup to take some time and the backup file to be large. If you don't need history of structure changes, it is advised to turn this option off.

It is advised to have separate Structure backups even though Structure data is backed up with JIRA's normal backup, because you will be able to Restore from that data without rolling back changes in JIRA.

Delete old backups

A backup is considered old if it's not among X latest backups (X is specified by the first parameter of this task) and it was made earlier than Y days ago (Y is specified by the second parameter). This task removes all such backups made by the Backup task.


  • Always keep X latest backups
  • Always keep backups made during last Y days

Optimize favorites

If a user marks a structure as their favorite, Structure plugin will keep this mark even if the user is later deleted from JIRA. Popularity number of the structure will also account for this user. This task removes marks made by users no longer in JIRA and recounts structure popularity.

Optimize structures

If an issue is added to a structure and then deleted from JIRA, that structure will still contain a reference to this issue (although it will not display it). This task removes from structures references to deleted issues and references to other items that have become permanently unavailable.

Optimize view settings

If a view is deleted, some structure view settings may still reference it, and a blank view named ? (Unknown View) will be shown in its place. This task removes references to the deleted views.

Optimize synchronizers

Sometimes Structure add-on may keep data related to synchronizers of a structure which was already deleted. This task removes such data.

Delete old synchronizer audit log records

This removes old records from Synchronizer Audit Log, clearing up space in the database.


  • Keep records for the last Xdays.

If you set X to 0, maintenance procedure will remove all records.

Reindex change history

Currently does nothing.

This task has remained as an option since Structure 2. Its purpose will be restored later when Structure 3 gets more maintenance options for structure histories.

Optimize structure perspectives

Removes old perspectives that haven't been used by anyone for a certain amount of time.


  • X
Reindex structuresClears and recalculates issue-to-structure index, used to define which structures contain a specific issue. (Issues added with Automation are not counted.)
Delete old change history

The task removes old records from change history. A history record is considered old if the change was made earlier than X days ago (X is specified by the first parameter) and it is not among Y latest history records for the structure where the change was made (Y is specified by the second parameter).


  • Always keep change history for the last X days
  • Always keep Y latest changes per structure

Running Maintenance Tasks Manually

You can run specific maintenance tasks at any time.

To run maintenance manually:

  1. Navigate to Administration | Structure | Maintenance
  2. Navigate to Run Maintenance Now section
  3. Select tasks to run.
  4. Configure additional task parameters, if any.
  5. Click Run Maintenance Now

Running maintenance manually does not affect automatic maintenance settings or schedule.