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This documentation relates to an older version 4.3 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. Visit the current documentation home.

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Atlassian Platform

JIRA Versions Supported

7.2 – 7.5 (by the latest version)

See also: Platforms supported by JIRA 

JIRA Editions SupportedJIRA Core, JIRA Software, JIRA Service Desk
JIRA Data Center


See Server Requirements below

Confluence Versions
6.1 – 6.4


Databases used by JIRA are also supported by Structure. 


Structure Plugin is compatible with the following browsers:


Supported versions

Versions known to NOT work

Mozilla Firefox

All recent versions



All recent versions


Internet Explorer



Internet Explorer 9 and 10 are partially supported. There are a couple of low-impact known issues.


All recent versions on OS X

Safari for Windows is not supported.


All recent versions


Other browsersUnsupported, but may work 

Server Requirements

  • At least 100MB of free disk space is needed on the server. See Structure Files Location for details.
    • On JIRA Data Center, each node must have sufficient free disk space in the local home.
  • Java process running JIRA needs at least additional 200 MB of heap memory. If running on Java 7 or earlier, ensuring sufficient free PermGen space is recommended. See Memory Guidelines for details. 

  • JIRA process must have read/write permissions to JIRA (local) home directory to create structure sub-directory automatically.

Non-Conforming systems

With regards to systems that don't conform to JIRA requirements and Structure requirements: while we sometimes know that a specific configuration doesn't work, more often it's grey area so feel free to try and let us know the results.