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This documentation relates to an older version 4.4 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. Visit the current documentation home.

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Evaluating Expr expression may produce errors. Normally these errors are shown to the user with a human-readable message. However, you might need to check for a specific error using ISERR function.

Error CodeNameDisplayed AsDescription
1Parse Error


The expression is invalid. To fix, review and edit the expression.
2Unknown Function


The expression contains a function that is not available or does not exist. To fix, review used functions in the expression, see if there are any typos.
3Bad Number of Arguments


A function is used with an incorrect number of arguments. To fix, review the expression and see if all functions are called with a correct number of arguments.
4Arithmetic Error


An arithmetic error was encountered. Most often it is division by zero, but it may also be something else, like passing a non-integer value to a function that expects only an integer.

To fix, first, find out what the problem is (you can try separately calculating parts of the formula). To avoid division by zero, use IF function.

5Variable Error


An attribute that a variable was bound to produced an error. To fix, review the attributes bound to the expression variables and see why they could have produced an error for the row that shows this error.
6Function Execution Error


A function suffered an internal error. Refer to logs for details.
7Value Conversion Error


A value could not be converted to the desired format. Check the formula, most likely a non-convertible text value is submitted to a function as a number.
8Malformed Regex


A text with invalid regular expression was passed to a matching function. Check the regular expressions that you use. See Expr Pattern Matching for details.
9Internal Error


There's an internal problem with JIRA or Structure. Refer to the logs for details.
10Invalid Value


An invalid value was passed as a function argument. For example, using an unknown unit of time would produce this error. Check arguments for the functions that expect specific values.
11Aggregation Error


The formula contains an unknown aggregate function or an invalid aggregate function modifier.