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This documentation relates to an older version 4.4 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. Visit the current documentation home.

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Unlike previous versions, Structure 3.0 uses the main JIRA database to store its data. You need to migrate the data from Structure 2 in order to continue working with it in Structure 3. Additionally, this feature can be used to restore structures from a backup made with Structure 2.

Structure 2 had a separate Backup / Restore functionality because Structure data was kept separately. With Structure 3, all data is backed up with the usual JIRA backup.

However, we plan to reinstate Backup / Restore / Migrate feature in the future versions of Structure 3.

Creating a Backup of Structure 2.x Data

  • If you still have Structure 2.x installed, create a backup of the current Structure data. You can either use Administration | Structure | Structure Backup menu or do a cold backup by copying the entire structure/ sub-directory under JIRA home while Structure plugin is disabled. See Backing Up Structure for details.
  • If you already have Structure 3.x installed, use Administration | Structure | Export Structure 2.x Data page. It allows you to create a backup zip with all Structure 2.x data and then opens Restore Structure page, allowing you to immediately import the backup into Structure 3.x database.

Restoring Structure Data from 2.x Backup

  1. Use Administration | Structure | Restore Structure menu and use any Structure 2.x backup made earlier. Note that it should be placed in the import/ directory on your server.
  2. If you used "Export Structure 2.x Data" menu, you will be taken to the restore automatically.

After Data Migration

Upgrade Testy

If you have Structure.Testy installed, download and install the latest version of Structure.Testy, compatible with Structure.

Upgrading "Global Structure"

If you're using "Global Structure" structure, which was created by default in Structure 2.x, you need to make sure that there's an "owner" of that structure. Otherwise, Automation will not work there.

  1. Open Structure | Manage Structure.
  2. Find Global Structure and check if it has non-empty Owner.
  3. If it doesn't have an owner, click Configure, and set yourself as the owner.