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This documentation relates to an older version 4.4 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. Visit the current documentation home.

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26th of April 2016

Structure 3.0.2 is a bugfix release based on Structure 3.0.

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Structure on the Atlassian Marketplace


1. Patch Release

If you are using Structure 2, we encourage you to read Structure 3.0 Release Notes – a lot has changed in Structure 3!

This is a second patch release based on Structure 3.0. We have addressed some problems that were reported by our customers and made some improvements. Upgrade is recommended.

Among the issues addressed in Structure 3.0.2:

  • Fixed: synchronizers cycle protection fails to send e-mails to structure owners.
  • Fixed: synchronizers cycle protection causes synchronizers become instantly disabled if a cycle happens at least once.
  • Fixed: problems with reassigning issues via drag-and-drop when the assignee has their login name changed in the past, or when the user is imported from an LDAP directory. (Also affects other fields that refer to users.)
  • Fixed: structure synchronizers created in Structure plugin version 1.3 or earlier are not properly migrated during transition from Structure 2 to Structure 3.
  • Fixed: printable page and Excel export do not show values for certain fields, such as Total Remaining Estimate and other duration-type fields, Total Votes and various configurations of the Progress field.
  • Fixed: error when trying to create a new structure with Agile template, but the Agile board does not have Rank ordering.
  • Fixed: printable page and Excel export disregard "Exclude Duplicates" setting for the column.

2. Installation

If your JIRA server does not have Structure yet, the installation is simple:

  1. Download and install Structure add-on, either from Atlassian Marketplace or from Download page. Pick the correct version based on your JIRA version!
  2. When Add-on Manager reports about successful installation, click Get Started to visit a page with important guidance for the JIRA administrator. You may want to also check out the user's Get Started page, available under "Structure" top-level menu.
  3. Monitor catalina.out or jira-application.log for log messages from Structure.

3. Upgrade

Upgrade procedure from versions 3.0.x is simple:

  1. Consider backing up JIRA data. Use Administration | System | Backup System. Starting from version 3.0.0 Structure data can be backed up together with JIRA data. (If you have a large instance and have proper backup strategy in place, you may skip this step.)
  2. Install the new version of the plugin.

  3. Monitor catalina.out or jira-application.log for warnings or errors.


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