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This documentation relates to an older version 4.5 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. Visit the current documentation home.

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You can select items, scroll up and down, as you would do with any table. Clicking a link of an item will open the panel with item details or take you to the item page depending on the settings. So if you'd like to just select an item, click anywhere in the row except the underlined links. The row of an issue is also selected when you click the JIRA actions icon at the end of the row.

To show or hide sub-items of a parent item, click the Expander button near the item summary.

To expand or collapse the whole hierarchy, use Expand All or Collapse All buttons in the toolbar. You can also expand the structure to a certain level by clicking the drop-down menu next to these buttons and selecting the desired level of depth.

If there are many items in the structure, not everything is loaded from the server. As you scroll down or expand sub-items lists, the data is loaded on demand, which means there might be a delay before the grid is filled with the data for the displayed items.

You can use arrow keys to focus on the next or previous item in the list. Left and right arrows expand and collapse sub-items list.

To expand all sub-items, press the Plus keyboard button twice. To collapse all sub-times lists, press twice the Minus keyboard button .

Using Ctrl+Arrow Key moves the selected item up or down in the hierarchy or indents/out-dents it.

You can press Alt+Down to open JIRA actions menu for the selected issue.

There are a lot more keyboard shortcuts that let you work with the Structure almost without touching the mouse. Press Ctrl+? to see the shortcuts cheat sheet or click Info at the bottom of the structure widget.