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This documentation relates to an older version 4.6 of the Structure for Jira. Visit the current documentation home.

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Structure allows you to select multiple items and do most of the operations with selected issues at once.Usually, you navigate structures and focus on a single item for further actions with keyboard arrows or mouse. The focused item is highlighted with the blue background, and the actions (like moving) apply to the highlighted item only.

Entering Multi-Select Mode

You can select multiple items and switch Structure widget into multi-selection mode in one of the following ways:

  • Press Space to add currently focused item and move to the next issue.
  • Click grey dot in the beginning of an item row to toggle its selection.
  • Hold Shift and use Up and Down arrows to select a range of issues.
  • Hold Shift and use Right/Left arrows to select/deselect the focused issue with all its sub-issues.
  • Hit Ctrl+A (Command+A on Mac) to select all issues.

Selected items are marked with a filled circle and the additional panel appears at the top of the grid showing the number of selected items and several action buttons.

The selection panel offers the following features:

  • Move focus from one selected item to another by clicking the up and down arrows.
  • Bulk Edit the selected issues using the Bulk Edit button.
  • Show only selected items and their parents by clicking the Filter button.
  • Remove selection by clicking the close button in the right corner of the panel.

Special Selection Markers

If you collapse a list of sub-items, the selection marker of the parent item will show if it contains any selected sub-issues.

For example, if you collapse sub-issues of OFW-1, DTD-1, and LHMGR-2 in the example above, you will see these selection markers:

Some of the issues are selected, some of the selected issues are collapsed under their parent issues.

The meaning of the markers is the following:


DTD-1 itself is not selected, but some of its sub-items are selected

not on the example

the item itself is not selected, but all of its sub-items are selected


LHMGR-2 is selected, and some of its sub-items are selected


OFW-1 is selected, and all its sub-items are also selected

Exiting Multi-Select Mode

Hit Escape key to clear multiple selection and exit multi-select mode (or press the close button in the selection panel). You can also hit Ctrl+A (Command+A) twice – first key stroke will select all items, second one will de-select all items.