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This documentation relates to an older version 5.0 of the Structure for Jira. Visit the current documentation home.

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Drag-and-drop feature allows you to quickly move or copy items or selections of items within the structure or add them from the secondary panels to the structure.

Basic Drag-And-Drop

To grab an item, move your mouse pointer over the "handle" of the item (the pointer will change to when it's over the handle).

Then press and hold down the mouse button and start moving the issue.

You can also drag items by grabbing them anywhere in the row. To do that, press Shift on the keyboard and press mouse button anywhere on the row except the link. It is especially useful if you need to outdent an item, since the drag handle is usually close to the edge of the screen.

After dragging has started you can release Shift keyboard button.

As you move the item over the grid, the structure will rearrange itself to show the possible positions for the dragged items. Once the item is in the correct place, release the mouse button and the item will be moved.

Drag direction


Up / Down

Moves items up and down the hierarchy without changing the indentation level, if possible.

Left / Right

Changes indentation level of the moved items, if possible – without moving them up or down.

Moving vs Copying

As you move an item you will also see a hint saying if the item will be moved or copied. As you move items inside the structure, the default behaviour is moving. If instead of moving an item, you want to create a copy of it in a new place, hold the Alt (for Mac) or Ctrl (for PC) key as you move it.

If you have two structures open side by side and you drag an item from one to another, the default behaviour is copying (so the item ends up in both structures). If you want to move it from one structure to another (so it's removed from the original structure) hold the Alt (for Mac) or Ctrl (for PC) key as you drag the item.

Dragging Multiple Items

To move more than one issue, first select multiple issues (start with hitting Space button) and then move them using the "handle" of one of the selected items. Holding Shift and dragging by any other place on the item row also works.

If you have multiple items selected, but start dragging an item that's not included in the multiple selection, only that item is dragged.

Cancelling Drag

If you need to cancel drag-and-drop without dropping items at some random position, hit Escape keyboard button.

Drag-and-drop can also be undone.

Impossible Moves

If it's not possible to move the dragged items onto the current position (for example, due to structure permission settings), you will see the Drop is not possible message.

Scrolling Structure While Dragging

If you have a large structure, you may need to have Structure grid scrolled up or down while you're dragging items. Just move the items over the top or bottom edge of the structure widget and the structure will be scrolled up or down. The further you move the dragged items, the faster the scrolling is.

Using Cut & Paste may be more effective than Drag-and-Drop if you need to move several items to distant positions.