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This documentation relates to an older version 5.1 of the Structure for Jira. Visit the current documentation home.

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Insert generators allow you to automatically add issues to the structure. The issues can be the result of a JQL or text query, Epics or Stories from an Agile board, or an entire structure.

As you add an Insert generator, you can choose from the following options:

  • Agile Board. Will add epics or stories from the Agile board that you select.
  • JQL Query. Will add results of the JQL query.
  • Text Query. Will add results of a text search.

    Please note that both for text and JQL options, only issues from the projects for which Structure is enabled will be added.

  • Structure. Will add the selected structure into the current structure. This option is especially useful when several teams work with their own structures, and you want to create a structure with an overview of them all.

    When you insert a structure into another structure, it's always a good idea to create a special folder for this structure and insert it there. Thus you'll be able to see where the inserted structure begins and ends.

    If you have allowed editing via structure for this generator, you can update the inserted structure right from your master structure. For example, if you have inserted structure A into structure B, as the users work with structure A, you will see all the changes reflected in structure B. And the other way around - if you open structure B and start modifying structure A in it, the actual structure A will be updated too.

Since the generators run every time you open the structure, the list of issues added by the inserter is always up-to-date. If some issues no longer pass the query criteria, they won't be added. Also, if you already have the structure open, the generator will be tracking the changes in Jira and add/remove issues as necessary.

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