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This documentation relates to an older version 5.1 of the Structure for Jira. Visit the current documentation home.

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The progress is calculated based on the issue's Resolution field, time tracking data and the progress of sub-issues. Best estimate of the issue's completion is given, with extrapolation of the sub-issue estimates if needed.

Calculating Progress for Issue Without Sub-Issues

If the issue does not have sub-issues:

  • If the issue's Resolution field is not empty, and Apply Resolution is turned on, the progress is 100%.
  • Otherwise, if the issue has time tracking information, the progress is calculated proportionally to this issue completion%: (Time Spent) / (Time Spent + Remaining Estimate)
  • Otherwise, the progress is 0%.

Calculating Progress for Issue with Sub-Issues

If the issue does have sub-issues:

  • If the issue's Resolution field is not empty, and Apply Resolution is turned on, the progress is 100% - regardless of the sub-issues progress.
  • If the issue and its sub-issues do not have estimates or work logged (or if time tracking is turned off), the progress is calculated as the average from the sub-issues progresses.
  • If time tracking is used and all issues have an estimate (either original estimate or remaining estimate) - the estimates and total work logged are summed up and the progress is calculated as the total completion%: (Total Time Spent) / (Total Time Spent + Total Remaining Estimate)
    • If a sub-issue does not have time tracking information, it is counted in as an average sub-issue, based on the mean total time (time spent + remaining estimate)

If the issue has both its own time tracking information and sub-issues with progress, and if Ignore Parent Issue Progress is turned off, issue's own progress value is counted as if it was the progress of one another sub-issue.


1. Example without time estimates











Sub-sub-issue 2.1

This issue is resolved (indicated by the green mark) - so it is complete


Sub-issue 2

It has two sub-issues with 100% and 0% progress, the total progress is average value


Top issue

It has two sub-issues: sub-issue 1 is 0% done and sub-issue 2 is 50% done, the mean value is 25%.


2. Example with time tracking information









Sub-issue 1

It has 3 days of work logged with 1 day remaining, so its progress is time spent / total time = 3 / (3 + 1)


Sub-issue 2

This issue does not have any work logged, is not resolved and does not have sub-issues


Top issue      

The top issue has total time spent of 3 days (work logged on sub-issue 1) and 2 total days remaining (estimates on sub-issue 1 and sub-issue 2), so its progress 3 / (3 + 2).


3. More complex example












Sub-sub-issue 2.1

It has 2 days of work logged and 1 day remaining, the progress is 2 / (2 + 1)


Sub-sub-issue 2.2

This issue has 1 day of work logged and no work remaining - so even though it is not resolved, it's considered completed


Sub-issue 2

It has total time spent of 3 days, and total remaining estimate of 2 days (the remaining time from sub-sub-issue 2.1 and its own 1 day, which is considered additional work, besides sub-issues). The progress is 3 / (3 + 2).


Sub-issue 1

This one has 3 days of work logged and 1 day remaining - the progress is 3 / (3 + 1)


Top issue                 

The progress of the top issue is calculated as follows. The obvious total time spent is 6 days, total remaining estimate is 3 days (count in all sub-issues on all levels). But there's also sub-issue 3, which does not have estimates or work logged, so it’s estimated based on the average among the Top Issue's children issues - sub-issue 1 and sub-issue 2: the average between total time of sub-issue 1 (3 + 1 = 4 days) and total time of sub-issue 2 (3 + 2 = 5 days) is 4.5 days. So sub-issue 3 is treated as if it has total time 4.5 days (and given its 0% progress that's 0 days spent and 4.5 days remaining). That yields for the top issue: total time spent is 6 days, total remaining time is 7.5 days, and the progress is 6 / (6 + 7.5), which gives 44% value.
