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You are viewing documentation for Structure Server and Data Center version 5.3 and patch releases. For other versions, see Version Index or [Structure Cloud].

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If a Structured JQL query doesn't work as expected, please try the following steps.

  1. Double-check if the query itself correctly expresses what you are searching for. Feel free to ask a question on Atlassian Answers or write to if you need help with S-JQL.
  2. Probably, JIRA indexes that are used for searching have become corrupt. Please try to do a full reindex of JIRA — note that you should use Lock JIRA and rebuild index option, the other one is known to not help when indexes are corrupted.
  3. If the query still returns strange results, please go to the Structured JQL Troubleshooting page and follow the instructions outlined there:
    <base URL>/secure/StructuredJqlTroubleshooting.jspa
    Here, base URL refers to the JIRA base URL.
    On this page, you will be able to run a Structured JQL query and collect extensive logs which we in ALM Works can inspect in order to track down the issue.
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