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You are viewing documentation for Structure Server and Data Center version 5.5 and patch releases. For other versions, see Version Index or [Structure Cloud].

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Once you install Structure, you will see a new item added to the top-level navigation bar (1).

If you haven't created any structures yet (or had structures shared with you), the menu will allow you to create a new structure (2) or view our Getting Started guide (3).

Haven't read our Getting Started guide? It's the best way to get up to speed fast and take full advantage of the powerful functionality Structure has to offer.

Once you create your first structures (or are given access to existing structures), the Structure menu will also provide quick access to your favorite and recent structures:


The menu has several sections:

  1. Recent Structures. Shows structures that you've visited recently, or those which have been recently updated. Click a structure's name to open it.
  2. Favorite Structures. Lists structures you have marked as your favorite. This section will be hidden if you don't have any favorite structures.
  3. Default Structure. Shows the system-wide Default Structure. If a separate default structure is defined for the current project, it will be listed here as well.
  4. Manage Structures. Takes you to the Manage Structures screen, where you can view all of the structures you have access to, search for structures, set your favorite structures, and edit the configurations for existing structures (if you have the appropriate permission).