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You are viewing documentation for Structure Server and Data Center version 5.6 and patch releases. For other versions, see Version Index or [Structure Cloud].

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Some features in Structure are designed as modules and can be safely turned off. You can do so to remove unnecessary functionality, or limit the exposure of Structure plugin to the users.

If your aim is to limit the exposure of Structure, consider restricting permissions to specific groups of users - see Gradual Deployment.

While it is easy to disable a Structure module, we don't recommend to touch any modules except those listed in this article to ensure stability of Structure and your JIRA application.

To turn off a module:

  1. Open Add-on Manager by navigating to Administration | Add-ons | Manage Add-ons.
  2. Locate Structure add-on and expand its row.
  3. Click the link that looks like the following: "309 of 310 modules enabled." (Numbers may vary.)
  4. Use Search feature of your browser to find the module by its name (provided below.)
  5. Click the Disable button to the right of the module name.

You can always turn the feature on later by clicking the Enable button.


Module name

Effect of disabling this module

Activity Streams

Structure (structure-activity-provider)

Activity streams provider and Structure-related updates are removed from the following places:

  • Activity Stream gadgets,
  • Activity tab on the issue page,
  • Activity tab on the user page,
  • Activity tab on the project page.

Structure on the Issue Page

web-resource:Issue Page Decorator (adjustIssue)

Structure section is removed from the issue page.

Structure on Agile Boards

web-panel:GreenHopper tab (greenhopper-tab)

Structure tab is removed from the issue details panel on the Agile board.


synchronizer:... (5 synchronizers are bundled with Structure)

Users will not be able to install synchronizers, and installed synchronizers won't run. You will need to restart the plugin to have settings make full effect. (Disable plugin, then enable plugin.)