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Problem: All custom info and predefined queries disappear.
Solution: Restore your queries from backups To do so:

  1. Locate Deskzilla's workspace directory. The workspace directory contains config.xml file, which stores all configuration, including your connection and queries information. This file is being automatically backed up into "backup" sub-directory in the workspace.
  2. Look for a file in "backup" subdirectory dated before the day when predefined and custom queries have disappeared. If such file is present, you can try to restore the old configuration. To do so:
    1. Close Deskzilla if it is running.
    2. Make a complete backup of your workspace
    3. Copy the backup version of config.xml over the working version of config.xml.
    4. Start Deskzilla.


To help us investigate what the problem is, please send us a ZIP archive of all the log files, that are located in "log" subdirectory of the workspace.


  1. You selected not to upload changes: on in a New Bug/Edit Bug dialog you do that with "click Save Draft" (vs. "instead of Save and Upload") button, when adding comments you may have cleared "the Upload to server immediately" check box;.
  2. The upload resulted in a conflict that Deskzilla couldn't automatically solve. Bugs that have conflicts are marked with the "broken" icon (), and you need to call Merge action via menu select Edit | Merge menu item or a corresponding toolbar button to merge conflicting server-side changes and your changes.
  3. You made changes that did not involve any dialogs (like drag and dropping bugs over queries, or marking bugs as being watched) - such changes are not automatically uploaded.
  4. The upload could not start because the bug was still being edited: for example, if you created a bug, press Save and Upload, then immediately opened Edit Bug, the upload won't happen until you press Save and Upload in the Edit Bug dialog again. This is current limitation of Deskzilla, it can't upload or download changes for a bug when it is being edited.

You always can see the number of locally modified bugs in the status bar (the number beside "displayed near the modified" icon), and if . If you click on that the number, you get a list of locally modified bugs.






The issue that I'm having now is that bugs often don't update with the main server unless I click on the individual bug in the interface and select the Upload icon from the top navigation. This has caused a number of problems, because it used to happen automatically. I went a couple of days recently without noticing that its not updating. It's randomly work and not working...

Attaching my log for today. Any ideas?

Grace Stahre
(O) 206.524.5194
(C) 206.330.1410

Documentary-Style Promotional, Educational, and Event Videos

From: Igor Sereda
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 6:19 AM
To: 'Grace Stahre'
Subject: deszilla clearing fields

Hello Grace,

If you have created new Bugzilla fields recently, please run select File | Synchronize menu item so Deskzilla reloads full metadata from the server. If the problem persists, please restart Deskzilla.

If the problem is still there, please describe with a bit more detail, what exactly are steps that lead to this problem? Does it happen in Edit Bug dialog?

Also, if the problem persists, I can advise you to have issues that you are about to edit downloaded in full details from server. You can do that by right-clicking on an issue and selecting "Download" from pop-up menu. You can also select a number of issues (or all of them with Ctrl+A) and download details for all of them. While download is in progress, you will see "Synchronizing..." message in the status bar. After every detail is downloaded, the issues won't have "partially downloaded" marker in the table 1st column. This may be a workaround.

Please let me know of the results.

Kind regards,

From: Grace Stahre
Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2009 3:48 AM
To: 'Igor Sereda'
Subject: RE: Deskilla having constant problems

I'm having a new issue.

I have two fields that I've created in Bugzilla.

They are both date fields.
I've been noticing that a few seconds after I fill them out, Deskzilla clears them. I have to refill them several times before Deskzilla will leave them alone.

Any clues to this one?

Problem: Deskilla having constant problems

Thank you very much for the logs.

Our current hypothesis is that problem appears when you try to modify "QA Contact" field. This field seems to be turned off in your Bugzilla, and when Deskzilla tries to upload changes to QA Contact, Bugzilla fails. But we couldn't reproduce it here yet.

Could you please try to verify this? Next time you change anything, try to set QA Contact - the upload should fail. Unset QA Contact back - the upload should succeed.This is a bug both in Deskzilla and Bugzilla, occurring in such configuration as yours. I will file and have it fixed in Deskzilla and also contact Bugzilla guys about it.

Thank you for your patience and help. Please let me know if you have any additional information, especially if our guess is wrong.

Kind regards,

From: Grace Stahre
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 4:24 AM
To: 'Igor Sereda'
Subject: RE: Deskilla having constant problems

I have the accompanying Bugzilla log (attached)

Strangely, it's only misbehaved a couple of times today, vs. 90%...

Grace Stahre
(O) 206.524.5194
(C) 206.330.1410

Documentary-Style Promotional, Educational, and Event Videos

From: Igor Sereda
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 9:42 AM
To: 'Grace Stahre'
Subject: RE: Deskilla having constant problems

Hello Grace,

Thanks for the detailed logs. The preliminary investigation shows that there's an error detected on server (see below). While this not necessarily means that the server is to blame, I'd check with server admin for error logs and Bugzilla configuration. Since this problem does not happen with every upload, and, as I understand, it did not happen when you use web browser, it might be related to server resources or concurrency (since Deskzilla can send requests to server very fast). Maybe when the server is more busy, the problem happens more often. It's probably that this problem may arise when you use web interface, though less likely.

We will take a look into Bugzilla code to see what could lead to this error reply from Bugzilla. I'll let you know if we find anything. Please update me if you have more information on this.

Kind regards,

Details of the problem:
When Deskzilla tried to upload changes, this is what it received from Bugzilla server (see file log\bugzilla\\2009-04-08\098-100719-086.process_bug, for example):
<h1>Software error:</h1>
<pre>Can't call method "login" on an undefined value at Bugzilla/ line 519.
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (<a href=""></a>), giving this error message
and the time and date of the error.


From: Grace Stahre
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 10:35 PM
To: 'Igor Sereda'
Subject: RE: Deskilla having constant problems

So, I have a number of bugs update correctly today, but have 2 errors currently. Whenever I have gotten these errors, I have tried to synchronize, and they don't go away. I am not logged in to the web interface of Bugzilla at the same time - in fact, I'm the only one using it this morning. What's strange is that some bugs updated just fine. Here's the info with logs attached.

Bug 32 - I changed the title of the bug, reassigned it, and added a comment - these are visible in deskzilla, but none of this uploaded to Bugzilla.
Error in Deskzilla:
Bug upload failed for bug #32
Failed to upload SUMMARY, COMMENT

This means that we've attempted to upload the bug to the Bugzilla server, and Bugzilla didn't give any error (or we were unable to detect it), but (partly) our update request was ignored.

Please check that your Bugzilla supports this attribute and that you have permissions to update problematic attribute. The problem has occurred today at 10:21 AM, used login ''.

Bug 65 - I changed the title. Didn't upload.
Error in Deskzilla:
Bug upload failed for bug #65
Failed to upload SUMMARY

This means that we've attempted to upload the bug to the Bugzilla server, and Bugzilla didn't give any error (or we were unable to detect it), but (partly) our update request was ignored.

Please check that your Bugzilla supports this attribute and that you have permissions to update problematic attribute. The problem has occurred today at 10:16 AM, used login ''.

Grace Stahre
(O) 206.524.5194
(C) 206.330.1410

Documentary-Style Promotional, Educational, and Event Videos

From: Igor Sereda
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 3:47 AM
To: 'Grace Stahre'
Subject: RE: Deskilla having constant problems

Hello Grace,

Thank you very much for your feedback. I'm sorry to hear about these problems, and we'd like to improve Deskzilla if you are willing to bear with it for some time and give us additional information.

To collect the necessary information, please run Deskzilla in verbose mode as described here: . Deskzilla will log everything it does in the log files. When any problem happens, you can ZIP all the log files from log directory (by default, C:\Documents and Settings\username\.Deskzilla\log - see the instruction for details), and send to me with some words about what was actual vs. expected behavior.

Sorry once again for the inconvenience. I'll perfectly understand if you decide not to go with Deskzilla at this time - in that case I'd suggest you to subscribe to our release announcement mailing list or RSS feed on ; we're working on 2.0 version right now, which would have lots of improvements. It would be great if you're willing to help though, in the way described above, and if we finally resolve the problems I'll be glad to offer a 15% discount on licenses for you or your company.

Kind regards,

Igor Sereda
ALM Works

tel.US +1 (773) 598-5805

fax.US +1 (302) 341-0282

tel/fax.RU +7 (812) 740-5790

skype callto:igorsereda

From: Grace Stahre
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 12:59 AM
Subject: Deskilla having constant problems

I installed the evaluation version a couple of weeks ago. I love the interface and flexibility. I want to use this tool and have my office purchase it... however...

I'm having constant problems with bugs not uploading and synchronizing properly. Sometimes things work fine, sometimes they don't, and I cannot identify the reason for the failure.

Sometimes it will fail if I add a Comment, sometimes changing the deadline will cause a fail. Just about any minor change CAN cause a fail. And then it NEVER corrects. I have to go into the Bugzilla interface directly and copy over my changes and Discard Changes in Deskzilla.

I've checked the forums but have seen no resolutions that pertain to my situation. We are using 3.2.2 Release of Bugzilla.

This has been reducing my efficiency by about 30% and causing bugs to not be assigned correctly. Would love for this product to work for us.

I can send screen grabs if that will help.


Grace Stahre
(O) 206.524.5194
(C) 206.330.1410

Documentary-Style Promotional, Educational, and Event Videos


Hello Grace,

If you have created new Bugzilla fields recently, please run File | Synchronize menu item so Deskzilla reloads full metadata from the server.

If the problem persists, please restart Deskzilla.

If the problem is still there, please describe with a bit more detail, what exactly are steps that lead to this problem? Does it happen in Edit Bug dialog?

Also, if the problem persists, I can advise you to have issues that you are about to edit downloaded in full details completely from server. You can do that by To do so: right-clicking click on an issue and selecting "Download" from pop-up menuselect Download command. You can also select a number of issues (or all of them with using Ctrl + A) and download details for all of them. While download is in progress, you will see "Synchronizing..." message in the status bar. After every detail is downloaded, the issues won't have "partially downloaded" marker status in the table 1st column. This may be a workaround.

Please let me know of the results.

Kind regards,

From: Grace Stahre
Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2009 3:48 AM
To: 'Igor Sereda'
Subject: RE: Deskilla having constant problems

I'm having a new issue.

I have two fields that I've created in Bugzilla.

They are both date fields.
I've been noticing that a few seconds after I fill them out, Deskzilla clears them. I have to refill them several times before Deskzilla will leave them alone.

Any clues to this one?

Grace Stahre
(O) 206.524.5194
(C) 206.330.1410

Documentary-Style Promotional, Educational, and Event Videos

From: Igor Sereda
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 4:25 AM
To: 'Grace Stahre'
Subject: RE: Deskilla having constant problems

Hello Grace,

Thank you very much for the logs.

Our current hypothesis is that problem appears when you try to modify "QA Contact" field. This field seems to be turned off in your Bugzilla, and when Deskzilla tries to upload changes to QA Contact, Bugzilla fails. But we couldn't reproduce it here yet.

Could you please try to verify this? Next time you change anything, try to set QA Contact - the upload should fail. Unset QA Contact back - the upload should succeed.

This is a bug both in Deskzilla and Bugzilla, occurring in such configuration as yours. I will file and have it fixed in Deskzilla and also contact Bugzilla guys about it.

Thank you for your patience and help. Please let me know if you have any additional information, especially if our guess is wrong.

Kind regards,

From: Grace Stahre
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 4:24 AM
To: 'Igor Sereda'
Subject: RE: Deskilla having constant problems

I have the accompanying Bugzilla log (attached)

Strangely, it's only misbehaved a couple of times today, vs. 90%...

Grace Stahre
(O) 206.524.5194
(C) 206.330.1410

Documentary-Style Promotional, Educational, and Event Videos

From: Igor Sereda
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 9:42 AM
To: 'Grace Stahre'
Subject: RE: Deskilla having constant problems

Hello Grace,

Thanks for the detailed logs. The preliminary investigation shows that there's an error detected on server (see below). While this not necessarily means that the server is to blame, I'd check with server admin for error logs and Bugzilla configuration. Since this problem does not happen with every upload, and, as I understand, it did not happen when you use web browser, it might be related to server resources or concurrency (since Deskzilla can send requests to server very fast). Maybe when the server is more busy, the problem happens more often. It's probably that this problem may arise when you use web interface, though less likely.

We will take a look into Bugzilla code to see what could lead to this error reply from Bugzilla. I'll let you know if we find anything. Please update me if you have more information on this.

Kind regards,

Details of the problem:
When Deskzilla tried to upload changes, this is what it received from Bugzilla server (see file log\bugzilla\\2009-04-08\098-100719-086.process_bug, for example):
<h1>Software error:</h1>
<pre>Can't call method "login" on an undefined value at Bugzilla/ line 519.
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (<a href=""></a>), giving this error message
and the time and date of the error.

From: Grace Stahre
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 10:35 PM
To: 'Igor Sereda'
Subject: RE: Deskilla having constant problems

So, I have a number of bugs update correctly today, but have 2 errors currently. Whenever I have gotten these errors, I have tried to synchronize, and they don't go away. I am not logged in to the web interface of Bugzilla at the same time - in fact, I'm the only one using it this morning. What's strange is that some bugs updated just fine. Here's the info with logs attached.

Bug 32 - I changed the title of the bug, reassigned it, and added a comment - these are visible in deskzilla, but none of this uploaded to Bugzilla.
Error in Deskzilla:
Bug upload failed for bug #32
Failed to upload SUMMARY, COMMENT

This means that we've attempted to upload the bug to the Bugzilla server, and Bugzilla didn't give any error (or we were unable to detect it), but (partly) our update request was ignored.

Please check that your Bugzilla supports this attribute and that you have permissions to update problematic attribute. The problem has occurred today at 10:21 AM, used login ''.

Bug 65 - I changed the title. Didn't upload.
Error in Deskzilla:
Bug upload failed for bug #65
Failed to upload SUMMARY

This means that we've attempted to upload the bug to the Bugzilla server, and Bugzilla didn't give any error (or we were unable to detect it), but (partly) our update request was ignored.

Please check that your Bugzilla supports this attribute and that you have permissions to update problematic attribute. The problem has occurred today at 10:16 AM, used login ''.

Grace Stahre
(O) 206.524.5194
(C) 206.330.1410

Documentary-Style Promotional, Educational, and Event Videos

From: Igor Sereda
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 3:47 AM
To: 'Grace Stahre'
Subject: RE: Deskilla having constant problems

Hello Grace,

Thank you very much for your feedback. I'm sorry to hear about these problems, and we'd like to improve Deskzilla if you are willing to bear with it for some time and give us additional information.

To collect the necessary information, please run Deskzilla in verbose mode as described here: . Deskzilla will log everything it does in the log files. When any problem happens, you can ZIP all the log files from log directory (by default, C:\Documents and Settings\username\.Deskzilla\log - see the instruction for details), and send to me with some words about what was actual vs. expected behavior.

Sorry once again for the inconvenience. I'll perfectly understand if you decide not to go with Deskzilla at this time - in that case I'd suggest you to subscribe to our release announcement mailing list or RSS feed on ; we're working on 2.0 version right now, which would have lots of improvements. It would be great if you're willing to help though, in the way described above, and if we finally resolve the problems I'll be glad to offer a 15% discount on licenses for you or your company.

Kind regards,

Igor Sereda
ALM Works

tel.US +1 (773) 598-5805

fax.US +1 (302) 341-0282

tel/fax.RU +7 (812) 740-5790

skype callto:igorsereda

From: Grace Stahre
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 12:59 AM
Subject: Deskilla having constant problems

I installed the evaluation version a couple of weeks ago. I love the interface and flexibility. I want to use this tool and have my office purchase it... however...

I'm having constant problems with bugs not uploading and synchronizing properly. Sometimes things work fine, sometimes they don't, and I cannot identify the reason for the failure.

Sometimes it will fail if I add a Comment, sometimes changing the deadline will cause a fail. Just about any minor change CAN cause a fail. And then it NEVER corrects. I have to go into the Bugzilla interface directly and copy over my changes and Discard Changes in Deskzilla.

I've checked the forums but have seen no resolutions that pertain to my situation. We are using 3.2.2 Release of Bugzilla.

This has been reducing my efficiency by about 30% and causing bugs to not be assigned correctly. Would love for this product to work for us.

I can send screen grabs if that will help.


Grace Stahre
(O) 206.524.5194
(C) 206.330.1410

Documentary-Style Promotional, Educational, and Event Videos



You can enable QA Contact in Bugzilla in the Adminitration | Parameters | Bug Fields section.

JIRA is also a good choice, there are pros and cons for both trackers. You might want to check out this comparison page:

We do have JIRA Client which would be quite easy for you to learn since you already learned Deskzilla - they are twin products.

By the way, if you're planning to deploy issue tracker in a small team initially (up to 5 people), you shouldn't miss the opportunity to buy JIRA starter edition at a totally indecent price of $5 - this week only. See more at Atlassian's web site.

Kind regards,

Problem: Extended Deskzilla License

The problem has not gone away completely but mostly. I don't know how to activate the QA Contact field in Bugzilla, so I've just been avoiding that field.

We're also getting ready to try a JIRA installation. I see you have an interface for that as well. Taking us a while to decide on what's going to work best for our environment.

Thanks so much for the extension!

Grace Stahre
(O) 206.524.5194
(C) 206.330.1410

Documentary-Style Promotional, Educational, and Event Videos

From: Igor Sereda
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 9:11 AM
To: 'Grace Stahre'
Subject: Extended Deskzilla License

Hello Grace,

Sure, I'm attaching a corporate evaluation license, valid until May 20th. It works like a floating license so feel free to distribute it around if needed.

Did you manage to get rid of those problem, was it really because of QA Contact field?

Kind regards,

From: Grace Stahre
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 7:16 PM
To: 'Igor Sereda'
Subject: RE: Deskilla having constant problems

I'm still trying to figure out of this is the right tool for us, but my evaluation key has run out. Would I be able to get an extension?


Grace Stahre
(O) 206.524.5194
(C) 206.330.1410

Documentary-Style Promotional, Educational, and Event Videos

From: Igor Sereda
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 4:25 AM
To: 'Grace Stahre'
Subject: RE: Deskilla having constant problems

Hello Grace,

Thank you very much for the logs.

Our current hypothesis is that problem appears when you try to modify "QA Contact" field. This field seems to be turned off in your Bugzilla, and when Deskzilla tries to upload changes to QA Contact, Bugzilla fails. But we couldn't reproduce it here yet.

Could you please try to verify this? Next time you change anything, try to set QA Contact - the upload should fail. Unset QA Contact back - the upload should succeed.

This is a bug both in Deskzilla and Bugzilla, occurring in such configuration as yours. I will file and have it fixed in Deskzilla and also contact Bugzilla guys about it.

Thank you for your patience and help. Please let me know if you have any additional information, especially if our guess is wrong.

Kind regards,

From: Grace Stahre
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 4:24 AM
To: 'Igor Sereda'
Subject: RE: Deskilla having constant problems

I have the accompanying Bugzilla log (attached)

Strangely, it's only misbehaved a couple of times today, vs. 90%...

Grace Stahre
(O) 206.524.5194
(C) 206.330.1410

Documentary-Style Promotional, Educational, and Event Videos

From: Igor Sereda
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 9:42 AM
To: 'Grace Stahre'
Subject: RE: Deskilla having constant problems

Hello Grace,

Thanks for the detailed logs. The preliminary investigation shows that there's an error detected on server (see below). While this not necessarily means that the server is to blame, I'd check with server admin for error logs and Bugzilla configuration. Since this problem does not happen with every upload, and, as I understand, it did not happen when you use web browser, it might be related to server resources or concurrency (since Deskzilla can send requests to server very fast). Maybe when the server is more busy, the problem happens more often. It's probably that this problem may arise when you use web interface, though less likely.

We will take a look into Bugzilla code to see what could lead to this error reply from Bugzilla. I'll let you know if we find anything. Please update me if you have more information on this.

Kind regards,

Details of the problem:
When Deskzilla tried to upload changes, this is what it received from Bugzilla server (see file log\bugzilla\\2009-04-08\098-100719-086.process_bug, for example):
<h1>Software error:</h1>
<pre>Can't call method "login" on an undefined value at Bugzilla/ line 519.
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (<a href=""></a>), giving this error message
and the time and date of the error.


From: Grace Stahre
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 10:35 PM
To: 'Igor Sereda'
Subject: RE: Deskilla having constant problems

So, I have a number of bugs update correctly today, but have 2 errors currently. Whenever I have gotten these errors, I have tried to synchronize, and they don't go away. I am not logged in to the web interface of Bugzilla at the same time - in fact, I'm the only one using it this morning. What's strange is that some bugs updated just fine. Here's the info with logs attached.

Bug 32 - I changed the title of the bug, reassigned it, and added a comment - these are visible in deskzilla, but none of this uploaded to Bugzilla.
Error in Deskzilla:
Bug upload failed for bug #32
Failed to upload SUMMARY, COMMENT

This means that we've attempted to upload the bug to the Bugzilla server, and Bugzilla didn't give any error (or we were unable to detect it), but (partly) our update request was ignored.

Please check that your Bugzilla supports this attribute and that you have permissions to update problematic attribute. The problem has occurred today at 10:21 AM, used login ''.

Bug 65 - I changed the title. Didn't upload.
Error in Deskzilla:
Bug upload failed for bug #65
Failed to upload SUMMARY

This means that we've attempted to upload the bug to the Bugzilla server, and Bugzilla didn't give any error (or we were unable to detect it), but (partly) our update request was ignored.

Please check that your Bugzilla supports this attribute and that you have permissions to update problematic attribute. The problem has occurred today at 10:16 AM, used login ''.


first column of the Issues Table.

Problem: Bugs are not uploading and synchronizing properly. Sometimes Deskzilla fails when adding a comment or changing the deadline


Please collect some additional information for us:

  • Run Deskzilla in verbose mode as described here. Deskzilla logs all the information and stores it in log files. When any problem happens, you can ZIP all the log files from log directory (by default, C:\Documents and Settings\username\.Deskzilla\log - see the instruction for details), and send it to us with a description of what actually happened compared with what you expected.