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This documentation relates to an older version 2.9 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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22 November 2013

Structure 2.5.3 fixes a few issues with synchronization and improves performance on very large structures.

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Structure on the Atlassian Marketplace

1. Patch Release

This is a patch release based on version 2.5.2. It contains a number of performance improvements and bug fixes related to synchronization.

Upgrade is recommended for all customers who have active maintenance subscription.

1.1. Synchronization Fixes and Improvements

The following synchronization-related issues have been fixed:

1.2. Aggregate Performance Improvements

In previous versions, overall JIRA performance could degrade in the presence of large structures (containing 20,000 issues and more), due to massive access checks and aggregate value calculations. Both performance and responsiveness have been improved in this version. Please see the following issues in our JIRA:

2. Supported JIRA Versions

Structure 2.5.3 supports JIRA versions 5.2 – 6.1.x. There are two separate downloads: one for JIRA 5, another for JIRA 6.

3. Installation and Upgrade

Installation and upgrade are simple and done in the same way as for most other plugins. Please see Structure 2.5 Release Notes for details.

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