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This documentation relates to an older version 3.0 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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The contents of the clipboard is preserved in the current browser window, which allows you to copy/cut items in one structure and paste them into another.To copy items (with their sub-items) from one structure to another do the following:


First add the desired items to the clipboard:

  1. Open the structure to cut/copy from.
  2. Select the items you want to cut or copy. Either select a single item, or use multiple select.
  3. Click the Cut/Copy button on the structure toolbar (or press Ctrl+x/Ctrl+c or Command+x/Command+c).
  4. Selected items will be added to the clipboard and marked with a small scissors icon for cut  and the clipboard icon for the copied .

Note, that the cut items are not removed from the structure until you paste them into another structure.

If the copied item contains sub-items, these sub-items are not automatically copied with their parent. You need to select them explicitly. To copy an item and all of the children, select a parent item, press Shift+Arrow Right (this selects an item and all of the sub-issues) and then the Copy button.


After you have cut/copied the items, you can now paste them to any other structure:

  1. In the same browser window, switch to a desired structure (you can use Structure Board or any other JIRA page with Structure).
  2. In the structure grid select the item after which the items from the clipboard should be placed.
  3. Either click Paste button on the toolbar (or press Ctrl+v or Command+v) to place the items after the selected issue at the same indentation level, or press Ctrl+Shift+v (or Command+Shift+v on Mac) to place the items under the selected item (as the children).

When you paste items from a different structure, it's possible that the target structure already contains some of them. In this case the existing items will not be affected and new copies will be created as you paste.

If you need to copy the same set of issues to several different structures, you can open the clipboard in the secondary panel and use drag-and-drop operation to move the issues instead of using Paste. In this case the issues will not be removed from the clipboard.

The Paste operation can be undone.