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This documentation relates to an older version 3.3 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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24 January 2014

Structure 2.6 introduces a new collaboration feature – shared perspectives – and contains a number of improvements and fixes related primarily to synchronization, progress calculation, and administration.

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1. Version Highlights

  • Shared perspectives
  • Better protection from synchronizer conflicts
  • Global Structure permissions for project roles
  • Synchronization with specific Agile Boards
  • Progress column improvements and fixes

2. Changes in Detail

2.1. Sharing Perspectives

Did you ever want to show someone a part of a large structure, with all the columns and other presentation aspects configured exactly as you see them? Now you can share a Structure perspective. A perspective is a short link encompassing everything you see on the Structure Board – the structure, its visible part, all the columns, expanded, collapsed and selected issues, search terms, and more. You can create a perspective with a single click and send the link to other people or save it as a bookmark to return to it later.

Documentation: Sharing a Perspective

2.2. Protection from Synchronizer Conflicts

It is possible to accidentally configure a pair of synchronizers that would revert one another's changes endlessly, leading to degraded performance and a lot of noise in the Activity Streams. Protection against such conflicts has been around since version 2.0, but with this release we make it more prominent; by default, Structure will disable the conflicting synchronizers and send e-mail notifications to the users who installed them.

Documentation: Protection from Synchronizer Cycles

2.3. Permissions for Project Roles

JIRA administrators can now grant access to Structure and the permission to create new structures to particular project roles – in addition to user groups. This can greatly simplify Structure permission configuration in certain scenarios. Please see Restricting User Access to Structure and Changing Permission to Create New Structures for more information.

2.4. Synchronization with Agile Boards

It is now possible to synchronize with a specific Agile Board – JIRA Agile synchronizer will use its query and ranking. We have also fixed a few bugs in Agile and Links synchronizers.

2.5. Progress Column Improvements

The configurable Progress column was introduced in Structure 2.5. In this release we've made several improvements to the progress aggregation algorithm to address the cases, noticed by our customers, where it yielded unpredictable or confusing results. We have also fixed a bug in the Icons column.

2.6. Detailed Change List

Our public JIRA contains the full list of issues resolved in Structure version 2.6.

3. Supported JIRA Versions

Structure 2.6 supports JIRA versions 5.2 — 6.1. There are two separate downloads: one for JIRA 5.2, another for JIRA 6.x.

4. Changes for Developers

The API changes in this version are minimal, but the minor API versions have been updated. For details, see API Changes in Structure 2.6.

5. Installation

The plugin may be installed from the Atlassian Marketplace or from the Administration | Add-ons menu. Further information is available in the Administrator's Guide.

6. Upgrading from a Previous Version

Upgrade procedure is simple:

  1. Create backup of Structure data. Use Administration | Structure | Structure Backup. See Backing Up Structure for details.
  2. Install the new version of the plugin.

  3. Monitor catalina.out or jira-application.log for warnings or errors.
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