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This documentation relates to an older version 3.3 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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1. Minor Java API Release

With this release we add a few new methods to the Java API. The changes are backwards-compatible.

JIRA Version

New API Version



See Structure API Versions for full version information and downloads.

2. Compatible Changes in the Java API

2.1. New methods in StructureConfiguration

New methods have been added to the StructureConfiguration class to support the new synchronization permission:

  • isSynchronizationEnabledForAnyone()
  • getSynchronizationPermissionSubjects()

  • setSynchronizationEnabledForAnyone(boolean)

  • setSynchronizationPermissionSubjectsEncoded(String)

  • isSynchronizationAllowed(User)

2.2. New methods in StructureQuery

New methods have been added to the StructureQuery class to support workflow integration:

  • getSanitizedQueryString(User)

  • checkIssue(Long, Forest, User, boolean)

  • checkIssueIndex(int, Forest, User, boolean)

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